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Issuesland conflictsLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 313 - 324 of 812

Land conflicts and their impact on Refugee women’s livelihoods in southwestern Uganda

Reports & Research
June, 2006

This paper presents the preliminary findings of a study on land conflicts between refugees and host communities in southwestern Uganda and their impact on refugee women’s livelihoods. Uganda has a long history of hosting refugees that dates back to the 1940s, when it hosted Polish refugees; Rwandese and Sudanese in the 1950s (Holborn 1975:1213-1225).


Reports & Research
August, 2011

This report is in relation to a study on the Land Tenure and Livelihood Issues in the Albertine Graben Region. The study was carried out in three districts of Amuru Buliisa and Hoima. The study specifically focused on tenurial arrangements and land transactions in the region. The ultimate outcome of this study will be drawing of policy issues for policy engagement and dialogue towards a comprehensive policy direction to land governance in the Albertine Graben.

Pesquisa sobre parcerias entre comunidades locais e investidores do sector privado

Reports & Research
May, 2008

A Lei de Terras de Moçambique foi aprovada em Outubro de 1997 e é amplamente reconhecida como um passo político e legislativo inovador no contexto do continente africano. A lei tem como base a Política Nacional de Terras de 1995, que na sua declaração central, ou „mission statement’, oferece o esboço de uma estratégia de desenvolvimento rural onde a questão chave é como compartilhar os direitos sobre a terra entre ´o povo´ de um lado, e ´o investidor´, de outro:

Understanding changing land access issues for the rural poor in Uganda

Reports & Research
April, 2017

The ways in which people obtain land in Uganda are changing fast. Land that used to be secured through inheritance, gifts or proof of long-term occupancy is now more commonly changing hands in the market. Those with wealth and powerful connections are frequently able to override local rules and gain access to land at the expense of poorer individuals. Government-backed agribusiness investors receive large areas of land with benefits for some local farmers who are able to participate in the schemes, while other smallholders see their land access and livelihoods degraded.

Due diligence on lands at risk of or subject to land acquisitions in Uganda

Reports & Research
August, 2012

This research forms part of a larger study on large-scale land acquisition in Uganda. There are three main components of this study: (1) a “risk map” that identifies areas “at risk” for land acquisition due to their high suitability for biofuel crop production; (2) a due diligence report on the existing land uses and users of land identified as “at risk” in the first activity; and (3) an assessment of the land acquisition process, including applicable social and environmental safeguards.

Why is customary protection failing to prevent land grabbing?

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2009

The protection given to the land rights of women, orphans and any other vulnerable groups in Northern and Eastern Uganda is probably as good as can be found anywhere in the world. Customary land law is based on three main principles. First, everyone is entitled to land, and no-one can ever be denied land rights. A second principle is that all inherited land is family land, never individual property.

Catching up with the fast pace of land access change in Uganda

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2016

The ways in which people obtain land in Uganda are changing fast. Land that used to be secured through inheritance, gifts or proof of long-term occupancy is now more commonly changing hands in the market. Those with wealth and powerful connections are frequently able to override local rules and gain access to land at the expense of poorer individuals. Government-backed agribusiness investors receive large areas of land with benefits for some local farmers who are able to participate in the schemes, while other smallholders see their land access and livelihoods degraded.

Securing Community Land Rights: Priorities and Opportunities to Advance Climate And Sustainable Development Goals

Policy Papers & Briefs
September, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

Legally recognized and secure land and resource rights are fundamental to the advancement of global peace, prosperity, and sustainability. From the development of human cultures to the realization of democracy itself, tenure security underpins the very fabric of human society and our relationship to the natural environment. Today, insecure tenure rights threaten the livelihoods and wellbeing of a third of the world’s population, and with it, the very future of our planet.

Community Land Conflicts: How Local Land Disputes Affect Private Sector Investments and Development Projects

Reports & Research
October, 2017

This report provides information on due diligence and effective conflict management through consultation in the context of community land conflicts. It identifies some key steps to follow to integrate community land conflict into enhanced project risk assessments.