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Displaying 613 - 624 of 2122

Policy Note : Environmental Management for a Sustainable Economic Development Strategy for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

February, 2013

This policy note, Environmental
Management for a Sustainable Economic Development Strategy
for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, investigates six environmental
management topics which will affect the capacity of the
province to develop the economy and need to be underpinned
by strong environmental and natural resource management. The
six topics cover: agriculture, forestry, fisheries, land and
water, environmental law and regulations, and spatial

Linking African Smallholders to High-Value Markets : Practitioner Perspectives on Benefits, Constraints, and Interventions

May, 2012

This paper provides the results of an
international survey of practitioners with experience in
facilitating the participation of African smallholder
farmers in supply chains for higher-value and/or
differentiated agricultural products. It explores their
perceptions about the constraints inhibiting and the impacts
associated with this supply chain participation. It also
examines their perceptions about the factors affecting the

Berlin Workshop Series 2008 : Agriculture and Development

May, 2012

The workshop brings diverse perspectives
from outside the World Bank, providing a forum in which to
exchange ideas and debate in the course of developing the
World Development Report (WDR). Participants at the 2006
Berlin Workshop gathered to discuss challenges and successes
pertaining to agriculture and development. Agriculture is
the major sector contributing to economic development in
many poor countries. Three out of every four poor people in

Ethiopia - Agriculture and Rural Development Public Expenditure Review 1997/98–2005/06

June, 2012

Agricultural and Rural Development (ARD)
is a fundamental component of Ethiopia's economic
growth and poverty reduction strategy. The agricultural
development strategy under Agriculture Development Led
Industrialization (ADLI) and Sustainable Development and
Poverty Reduction Program (SDPRP) focused on enhancing the
productive capacity of smallholder farmers, promoting crop
diversification, shifting to a market based system, ensuring

Minority Status and Labor Market Outcomes : Does India Have Minority Enclaves?

June, 2012

This paper uses data from the 61st Round
of the National Sample Survey to understand the employment
outcomes of Dalit and Muslim men in India. It uses a
conceptual framework developed for the US labor market that
states that ethnic minorities skirt discrimination in the
primary labor market to build successful self-employed
ventures in the form of ethnic enclaves or ethnic labor
markets. The paper uses entry into self-employment for

An Impact Evaluation of India's Second and Third Andhra Pradesh Irrigation Projects : A Case of Poverty Reduction with Low Economic Returns

May, 2012

Irrigation has made a major contribution
to poverty reduction in the past decades, enabling higher
yields and better nutrition. Despite these achievements,
large-scale irrigation schemes have usually yielded low
returns and attracted negative publicity because of their
adverse environmental and social impacts. As a result, the
Bank has largely switched its support for irrigation away
from new construction toward rehabilitation and policy

Pakistan - Balochistan Economic Report : From Periphery to Core, Volume 2. Full Report

June, 2012

Balochistan offers some of the best
assets for development. Balochistan is generously bestowed
with natural and locational resources. It possesses the
largest land area of any province of Pakistan, proving vast
rangeland for goats, sheep, buffaloes, cattle, camels and
other livestock. Its southern border makes up about two
thirds of the national coastline, giving access to a large
pool of fishery resources. As a frontier province, it is

A Ricardian Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on Latin American Farms

June, 2012

This study estimates the vulnerability
of Latin American agriculture to climate change using a
Ricardian analysis of both land values and net revenues.
Examining a sample of over 2,500 farms in seven countries,
the results indicate both land value and net revenue are
sensitive to climate. Both small farms and large farms have
a hill-shaped relationship with temperature. Estimating
separate regressions for dryland and irrigated farms reveals

Integrating Environment into Agriculture and Forestry : Progress and Prospects in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2012

This study reviews how the integration of environmental concerns into agriculture and forestry is progressing in the countries of Southeastern Europe (SEE) and of Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (EECCA) since 2000 and assesses prospects for the future. The present report is a contribution to the environment for Europe process. At the Fifth Ministerial Conference in Kiev in 2003, participants decided to pay greater attention to the needs of the EECCA and adopted an environmental strategy for the sub-region.

Comprehensive Assessment of the Agriculture Sector in Liberia : Volume 1, Synthesis Report

June, 2012

The overall objective of the
Comprehensive Assessment of the Agricultural Sector (CAAS)
is to provide an evidence base to enable appropriate
strategic policy responses by the Government of Liberia
(GoL) and its development partners in order to maximize the
contribution of the agriculture sector to the
Government's overarching policy objectives. Given the
strong relationship between growth in agricultural

Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture in Zimbabwe : A Ricardian Approach

June, 2012

This study uses the Ricardian approach
to examine the economic impact of climate change on
agriculture in Zimbabwe. Net farm revenue is regressed
against various climate, soil, hydrological and
socio-economic variables to help determine the factors that
influence variability in net farm revenues. The study is
based on data from a survey of 700 smallholder farming
households interviewed across the country. The empirical

An Opportunity for a Different Peru : Prosperous, Equitable, and Governable

May, 2012

This book argues that Peru faces an
unprecedented opportunity to become the next success story
in Latin America. In the coming five years, policy making
could put the country on a development path similar to the
one that, say, Chile, Costa Rica, or Spain have followed
over the last two decades. This book includes 32
sector-specific chapters and 2 historical perspectives that
precede them. The beginning chapter, a synthesis, builds a