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Displaying 385 - 396 of 2122

Increasing Resilience to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector in the Middle East : The Cases of Jordan and Lebanon

April, 2013

The increasing resilience to climate
change in the agricultural sector report presents
local-level priorities, informed by stakeholder input, to
build agricultural resilience in both countries. The
objectives of this study were threefold: (1) to improve the
understanding of climate change projections and impacts on
rural communities and livelihoods in selected regions of
Jordan and Lebanon, specifically the Jordan River Valley and

Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in Karnataka to Enable Effective Convergence

April, 2014

As the 21st century unfolds, the vast
nation of India faces an array of challenges, including how
to feed its burgeoning population in a situation where rural
poverty is widespread and land resources are under mounting
pressure. In such a situation it is vital that the resources
supporting agriculture (especially rain-fed arable farming)
- soil and water, physical infrastructure, and those
employed on the land operate efficiently and in harmony. Two

Prioritizing Nutrition in Agriculture and Rural Development : Guiding Principles for Operational Investments

May, 2013

Agricultural and rural development
provides a critically important opportunity for reducing
malnutrition. The purpose of this paper is to provide a set
of guiding principles for incorporating nutrition goals into
the design and implementation of agricultural and rural
development projects, and to provide examples of current
best evidence options for operational investments. Several
principles are likely to be important in all or most cases

Zambia's Jobs Challenge : Realities on the Ground

June, 2014

In September 2013, the World Bank
launched the second Zambia economic brief, entitled
Zambia's jobs challenge: realities on the ground. This
report presents response of the youth to the facts and
figures shared in the Zambia economic brief. It gives a
broad range of discussion, often provocative, as to how
Zambia's employment challenges can be tackled. It
discusses the issues as diverse as cultural mind-set,

Agriculture as a Sector of Opportunity for Young People in Africa

September, 2013

This paper sheds light on how to harvest
the "youth dividend" in Sub-Saharan Africa by
creating jobs in agriculture. The agriculture that attracts
the youth will have to be profitable, competitive, and
dynamic. These are the same characteristics needed for
agriculture to deliver growth, to improve food security, and
to preserve a fragile natural environment. With higher
priority accorded to implementation of well-designed public

Toward Climate-Resilient Development in Nigeria

September, 2013

This book analyzes the risks to
Nigeria's development prospects that climate change
poses to agriculture, livestock, and water management. These
sectors were chosen because they are central to achieving
the growth, livelihood, and environmental objectives of
Vision 20: 2020; and because they are already vulnerable to
current climate variability. Since other sectors might also
be affected, the findings of this research provide

Basic Agricultural Public Expenditure Diagnostic Review : Ghana's Ministry of Food and Agriculture

January, 2014

Ghana, like many other African
countries, had made a commitment in 2003 to allocate at
least ten percent of their national budgetary resources to
develop the agricultural sector by 2008, following the
adoption of the Comprehensive African Agriculture
Development Programme (CAADP), with an aim towards realizing
food security and poverty reduction. This Agriculture Public
Expenditure Review (AgPER) for Ghana analyzes data on public

Reducing the Vulnerability of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's Agricultural Systems to Climate Change : Impact Assessment and Adaptation Options

October, 2013
North Macedonia

Agricultural production is inextricably tied to climate, making agriculture one of the most climate-sensitive of all economic sectors. In countries such as the Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of Macedonia, the risks of climate change for the agricultural sector are a particularly immediate and important problem because the majority of the rural population depends either directly or indirectly on agriculture for their livelihoods.

Bouncing Back : Forests, Trees, and Resilient Households

Reports & Research
October, 2013

This paper examines some of the concepts
surrounding the idea that forests and trees can contribute
to making households more resilient to food insecurity. The
paper begins with a discussion of the widely accepted
definitions of food security, and the implications for our
understanding of the role of forests and trees in
contributing to food security. Authors discuss the origins
of the idea of resilience, adaptability, and transformation

Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of : Analysis of the Agricultural Support Programs

January, 2014

The report is structured to allow
readers familiar with Macedonia s agriculture sector to
quickly grasp the essentials needed to improve the sector,
as well as to inform a general audience on how to address
the challenges of a modern European Union (EU)-aspiring
state. Chapter two provides an in-depth analysis of the
sectoral background, illustrating the main characteristics
and challenges of Macedonia s agriculture sector. The

Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in Tanzania

January, 2013

The consequences of climate change for
agriculture and food security in developing countries are of
serious concern. Due to their reliance on rain-fed
agriculture, both as a source of income and consumption,
many low-income countries are considered to be the most
vulnerable to climate change. This paper estimates the
impact of climate change on food security in Tanzania.
Representative climate projections are used in calibrated