Land rights on air: how Land Voice supports indigenous communities in Cameroon
In Cameroon, many rural communities are unaware of their rights, in a context where they are increasingly challenged by large-scale land-based investments. Sandrine Kouba from RELUFA explains how setting up a radio programme has helped to inform indigenous communities about their rights and enable them to feel better prepared to face investors.
[Webinar Recap] Empowering civil society and communities through open land data
The second webinar of the Whose Land? - Inclusive Pathways to Land Governance series focused on the opportunities and constraints of civil society in advocating for more open land data and in harnessing its power for improved land governance.
Seven takeaways from the 2022 Global Land Forum
Last week, the International Land Coalition (ILC) hosted its 9th Global Land Forum in Jordan - the first large in-person meeting of the land community for three years.
WATCH: COP26 Reflections in #LandDialogues
"At last, we are beginning to harvest more than 100 years
of international advocacy of Indigenous peoples."
- Dr. Myrna Cunningham Kain, on her initial reactions to the $1.7 billion pledge
Indigenous peoples and local communities can save our forests: but governments must put them on the map
International Day of Forests: 21 March
A new study, published ahead of the International Day of Forests, warns that the Amazon is now nearing its tipping point; its ability to recover from disruption, such as droughts or fires, is rapidly reducing, increasing the risk of dieback of the Amazon rainforest and potentially releasing up to 90 billion tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
A year of powerful Land Dialogues highlighted the need for Indigenous land tenure
Indigenous Peoples look after their land, protect the environment and food sources, and can be a bulwark against global disease by ensuring biodiversity and proper management of forests.
But they remain under sometimes violent threat, are often treated as after-thoughts in international policy planning, and generally see their rights taking second-place to global demands, including environmental protection.
Beginner's Guide to Open Land-Related Data
The Land Portal works to embed land governance in open data discussions and vice versa. This primer is extracted from the recently published Open Up Guide for Land Governance.
First, What is Open Data?
To deliver the promise of this climate super year, UN-led efforts must back land rights
Land is a big deal when it comes to the world’s environmental goals. How we use it not only causes a third of global emissions, it has pushed a million species close to extinction and has degraded around a quarter of all land on Earth.