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Farmers improve food and nutritional security through agroecology in Mozambique

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2017

For over a decade ActionAid Mozambique (AAMoz) has worked with strategic partner organisations in the south and north-east of the country to promote agroecology initiatives with 80 farmers’ associations consisting of over 8000 farmers. 96% of the members are women and 30% of them young people, cultivating an average of 90.9 hectares per association and striving to improve agricultural production.

Transboundary threats to food and nutrition security in Southern Africa

Reports & Research
May, 2017

Welcome to this inaugural issue of a quarterly Bulletin that highlights outbreaks of transboundary pests and diseases that have the potential to impact food and nutrition security in southern Africa. The Bulletin also captures recently concluded and upcoming events that are being organized by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and stakeholders to improve the capacities of partners in preparedness and response to crop and livestock emergencies in the

Estratégias de Produção Agrícola, Armadilhas da Pobreza e Diversificação do Rendimento entre os Pequenos Produtores

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2017

Quando perto de metade da população está abaixo do limiar da pobreza, não é errado concluir que se está perante um “fracasso” dos diferentes planos e políticas desenhadas e implementadas pelo Governo de Moçambique. Assim, surge a questão central deste Destaque Rural: Quais as armadilhas da pobreza e as estratégias de produção dos pequenos produtores do Sul do Save?

SUSTENTA - Oportunidade e riscos

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2017

Foi lançado pelo presidente da República, em Ribaué, no dia 17 de Fevereiro de 2017, o Projecto SUSTENTA, sob tutela/direcção do Ministério da Terra, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural (MITADER). Este Destaque do Meio Rural procura apresentar o projecto referindo o que nele há de novo ou de lições de algumas projectos em curso, o que há de positivo e quais os riscos da sua implementação. O presente trabalho baseia-se na apresentação do projecto em power point.

Linking land governance and food security in Africa

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2016

Equitable access to land is vital for inclusive economic growth, sustainable development and food security. Although much is known about the topics of land governance and food security, it is not always clear how the two relate to each other, especially in specific country contexts. This reflection paper, based on literature, LANDac country factsheets and three learning trajectories initiated by LANDac in Uganda, Ghana and Ethiopia, brings together findings and outcomes to provide policy recommendations for improved land governance and food security in Africa.


Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2016

Food security in Uganda relies mainly on access to land and security of tenure. Land governance is marked by the contradiction between relatively progressive legislation and only partial implementation. Institutions that have to deal with land administration and land disputes, such as customary authority systems, local government, and special courts for land justice, have weakened in the last years. Women’s position with respect to land and inheritance also remains weak, both legally and in practice, undermining their livelihoods and status in society.

Vencer la crisis alimentaria mundial 2017

Reports & Research
August, 2017

La edición del décimo aniversario del Observatorio del Derecho a la Alimentación y a la Nutrición hace balance de la última década y mira al futuro para analizar los desafíos y las oportunidades que pueden anticiparse para los años venideros. Su objetivo es contribuir a la lucha por la realización del derecho a la alimentación y a la nutrición y por la soberanía alimentaria, y a vencer la actual crisis multidimensional. 


Global Land Outlook

Policy Papers & Briefs
October, 2017

The current pressures on land are huge and expected to continue growing: there is rapidly escalating competition between the demand for land functions that provide food, water, and energy, and those services that support and regulate all life cycles on Earth.

Land Governance: A Review and Analysis of Key International Frameworks

Reports & Research
October, 2017

This publication features the key provisions on land (governance) in recent relevant international frameworks including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs), the New Urban Agenda (Habitat III), the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa (F&G) and the Guiding Principles on Large- Scale Land-Based Investment in Africa (LSLBI Principles).

Global Land Outlook

Reports & Research
August, 2017

A new United Nations report warns that a third of the planet’s land is now severely degraded thanks to a doubling in the consumption of natural resources over the past 30 years. Some 15 billion trees and 24 billion tonnes of fertile soil are lost each year, according to the Global Land Outlook (GLO), launched by the secretariat of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), at the meeting of States parties taking place in Ordos, China. The GLO takes a critical look at financial and socio-economic values of land, and its impact on the poor.

The Land in Numbers: Livelihoods at a Tipping Point

Reports & Research
October, 2014

Numbers can tell a compelling story. In this brochure, the numbers highlight how much we rely on productive land. Amongst other valuable  services, land feeds our families, provides fresh water and powers our future ambitions. Much of the data collected here, however, demonstrate  how close we are to pushing our relationship with the land to breaking point.

A compact to revitalise large-scale irrigation systems using a leadership-partnership-ownership 'Theory of Change'

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

In countries with transitional economies such as those found in South Asia, large-scale irrigation systems (LSIS) with a history of public ownership account for about 115 million ha (Mha) or approximately 45% of their total area under irrigation. In terms of the global area of irrigation (320 Mha) for all countries, LSIS are estimated at 130 Mha or 40% of irrigated land. These systems can potentially deliver significant local, regional and global benefits in terms of food, water and energy security, employment, economic growth and ecosystem services.