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IssuesfarmersLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 961 - 972 of 3560

Kyrgyz Republic - Agricultural Policy Update : Sustaining Pro-poor Rural Growth, Rural Challenges for Government and Donors

July, 2013

Critical choices must now be made if
growth is to be sustained. Significant potential exists for
future growth, but bringing out this potential poses a major
challenge for government policy. Agricultural strategy must
shift its focus towards support for continuous productivity
growth by peasant farms in a conducive marketing
environment. Key priorities include completion of land
reforms (especially in the North); fundamental restructuring

How Will Climate Change Shift Agro-Ecological Zones and Impact African Agriculture?

June, 2012

The study develops a new method to
measure the impacts of climate change on agriculture called
the Agro-Ecological Zone (AEZ) Model. A multinomial logit is
estimated to predict the probability of each AEZ in each
district. The average percentage of cropland and average
crop net revenue are calculated for each AEZ. Then an
estimate of the amount of cropland in Africa and where it is
located is provided. Using current conditions, the model

Major Challenges for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in the Mekong River Delta

March, 2013

The study focuses on analyzing and
assessing some main features of the situation and the
implementation results of Comprehensive Poverty Reduction
and Growth Strategy (CPRGS) in order to identify major
challenges for economic growth and poverty reduction, which
will serve as the basis for the proposal of policy framework
to overcome the challenges as well as achieve the basic
targets for economic growth and poverty reduction in the

Trade Costs, Export Development and Poverty in Rwanda

June, 2012

For Rwanda, one of the poorest countries in the world, trade offers the most effective route for substantial poverty reduction. But the poor in Rwanda, most of whom are subsistence farmers in rural areas, are currently disconnected from markets and commercial activities by extremely high transport costs and by severe constraints on their ability to shift out of subsistence farming. The constraints include lack of access to credit and lack of access to information on the skills and techniques required to produce commercial crops.

Is Environmentally-Friendly Agriculture Less Profitable for Farmers? Evidence on Integrated Pest Management in Bangladesh

June, 2013

Concerns about the sustainability of
conventional agriculture have prompted widespread
introduction of integrated pest management (IPM), an
ecologically-based approach to control of harmful insects
and weeds. IPM is intended to reduce ecological and health
damage from chemical pesticides by using natural parasites
and predators to control pest populations. Since chemical
pesticides are expensive for poor farmers, IPM offers the

Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector Study : Final Report, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector Study

June, 2012

The fisheries and aquaculture sectors are significant contributors to the economy of Vietnam. Direct production value (at the farm gate or on the wharf) in 2003 was approximately $1.7 billion. Both sectors have expanded rapidly over the past decade, with marine fisheries production rising from 800,000 to 1.5 million tons over the period 1990 to 2003. Aquaculture production has increased rapidly to around one million tons, while inland fisheries contribute in excess of 200,000 tons.

Turkey : Rural Finance Study, Volume 1. Main Report

March, 2013

Over the past five years in Turkey, the
agricultural and rural sector has seen substantial change in
transfer policies which now place greater emphasis on
improved equity and investment. These have been summarized
in the earlier World Bank "Review of the Impact of the
Reform of Agricultural Sector Subsidization (2004), and
"Policy and Investment Priorities for Agricultural and
Rural Development" (2005). Currently, the structural

Investing in Drought Preparedness

August, 2012

Drought is a normal part of climate for
virtually every country. This paper notes that in response,
a risk-based management approach is more cost effective
because it emphasizes improved monitoring and early warning
systems; development of strong decision-support systems;
identification and implementation of mitigation actions;
education and training of policy makers, natural resources
managers, and the public; and drought mitigation plans that

Macro and Micro Perspectives of Growth and Poverty in Africa

February, 2014

This article reviews trends in poverty,
economic policies, and growth in a sample of African
countries during the 1990s, drawing on the better household
data now available. Experiences have varied. Some countries
have seen sharp drops in income poverty, whereas others have
witnessed marked increases. In some countries overall
economic growth has been pro-poor and in others not. But the
aggregate numbers hide systematic distributional effects.

How Costly Is It for Poor Farmers to Lift Themselves Out of Subsistence?

June, 2012

The main objective of this paper is to provide estimates of the cost of moving out of subsistence for Madagascar's farmers. The analysis is based on a simple asset-return model of occupational choice. Estimates suggest that the entry (sunk) cost associated with moving out of subsistence can be quite large - somewhere between 124 and 153 percent of a subsistence farmer's annual production.

Handbook for Preparing a Resettlement Action Plan

August, 2013

This handbook intends to document the
essential steps for best practice in the design, and
implementation of resettlement action plans. Given that
involuntary resettlement entails both the physical
displacement of peoples, and the disruption of their
livelihoods, social development specialists at the
International Finance Corporation (IFC), worked together
with project developers to ensure consistent, and pragmatic

Understanding the Drivers of Sustainable Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Honduras

August, 2012

With a population of seven million,
Honduras is the second most populous country in Central
America. It is also the second poorest country in the region
with an annual per capita income of less than US$ 1,000. Two
out of every three people in Honduras are poor (per capita
income less than US$ 1.50/day); and three out of every four
poor people are extremely poor (per capita income less than
US$ 1.00/day). Social indicators such as child malnutrition