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IssuesfarmersLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 577 - 588 of 3560

From Farm to Firm : Rural-Urban
Transition in Developing Countries

March, 2012

Around the world, countries are becoming
urbanized at an astonishing pace. As countries develop
economically, their economies shift from mainly rural and
agrarian to increasingly urban and nonagricultural. This
rural-urban transformation presents both opportunities and
challenges for development. When managed effectively, the
transformation spurs growth and reduces poverty. When
managed poorly, however, the process can result in stark

Priorities for the Development of Smallholder Agriculture in Swaziland

March, 2013

The purpose of this policy note is to
contribute to an understanding of the factors that combine
to constrain the development of smallholder agriculture in
Swaziland. It seeks to shed light on why, despite being
well-endowed in land and water resources, and despite having
a climate that is generally favorable for the production of
crops and livestock, Swaziland is obliged to import
substantial amounts of food to feed the population. Also,

Promoting the Rural Farm and Nonfarm Businesses : Evidence from the Yemen Rural Investment Climate

December, 2012

This study examines the major
constraints of rural business entry and performance in
Yemen. The Yemen rural investment climate survey made it
possible to analyze rural investment climate constraints for
rural businesses. The survey was used to investigate both
farm and nonfarm rural enterprises. The rural investment
climate was assessed using a combination of subjective
impressions related by rural entrepreneurs, and a more

The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor

March, 2012

This is a Regional Program Review (RPR)
of the World Bank's support for the MBC. The review is
framed around an assessment of five Global Environment
Facility (GEF)-financed World Bank implemented projects in
Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama that had
the common objective of consolidating the Mesoamerican
Biological Corridor (MBC). It also reports on the
achievements of trust fund activities, financed by the Bank

Islamic Republic of Mauritania : Financial Sector Development Strategy and Action Plan 2013-2017

October, 2013

The financial sector comprises all
institutions and agencies that are involved in financing the
economy, mobilizing savings, managing risks and providing
means of payment. In view of the importance of the services
rendered, the financial sector constitutes the footing of
development of the national economy. Economic growth,
private sector development, job creation and poverty
reduction depend on a sound, efficient and vigorous

Should African Rural Development Strategies Depend on Smallholder Farms? An Exploration of the Inverse Productivity Hypothesis

January, 2013

In Africa, most development strategies
include efforts to improve the productivity of staple crops
grown on smallholder farms. An underlying premise is that
small farms are productive in the African context and that
smallholders do not forgo economies of scale -- a premise
supported by the often observed phenomenon that staple
cereal yields decline as the scale of production increases.
This paper explores a research design conundrum that

Zambia - Commercial Value Chains in Zambian Agriculture : Do Smallholders Benefit?

March, 2012

Agriculture and agroprocessing are
important in Zambia's economy, representing more than
40 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and contributing
about 12 percent of national export earnings. Agriculture
employs some 67 percent of the labor force and supplies raw
materials to agricultural industries, which account for some
84 percent of manufacturing value-added in the country.
Smallholder agriculture dominates the rural economy. It

Macroeconomic and Distributional Impacts of Jatropha-based Biodiesel in Mali

September, 2013

Mali, a landlocked West African nation
at the southern edge of the Sahara Desert, has introduced a
program to produce biodiesel using jatropha curcas, a
non-edible shrub widely available throughout the country by
farmers for generations as a living fence for their gardens.
The aim of the program is to partially substitute diesel,
which is entirely supplied through imports, with domestic
biodiesel produced from a feedstock that does not have any

Niger : Investing for Prosperity - A Poverty Assessment

February, 2013

This report examines poverty trends and
distribution of the poor in this larger context, paying
particular attention to the most recent past. The report
contributes to our understanding of the progress made in
combating poverty in three ways. First, it updates our
knowledge of poverty outcomes by examining the trends in
poverty and vulnerability, as well as the profile and
distribution of the poor and vulnerable across the country.

Who Is Benefiting from Fertilizer Subsidies in Indonesia?

March, 2012

Using the Agricultural Census 2003 and
the Rice Household Survey 2008 for Indonesia, this paper
analyzes the distribution of benefits from fertilizer
subsidies and their impact on rice production. The findings
suggest that most farmers benefit from fertilizer subsidies;
however, the 40 percent largest farmers capture up to 60
percent of the subsidy. The regressive nature of the
fertilizer subsidies is in line with research carried out in

The Status and Impact of Bio Safety Regulation in Developing Economies Since Ratification of the Cartagena Protocol

May, 2014

The World development report 2010:
development and climate change highlights the link between
biotechnology, development, and environment. Aside from
recognizing biotechnology's potential to improve crop
productivity, increase crop adaptation to climatic stresses
such as drought, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, the
report emphasizes the need to establish science-based
regulatory systems 'so that risks and benefits can be

Priorities for Sustainable Growth : A Strategy for Agriculture Sector Development in Tajikistan

Reports & Research
February, 2013

Agriculture sector growth has made a
powerful contribution to post-war economic recovery in
Tajikistan, accounting for approximately one third of
overall economic growth from 1998 to 2004. Sector output
increased by 65 percent in real terms during this period,
and has now returned to the level extant at independence in
1990. Total Factor Productivity (TFP) has also increased, by
3 percent per year. Despite this progress, there is