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Displaying 1033 - 1044 of 4167

Report on Possible Improvements on Management of Revenues from Auctioning of EU ETS Allowances and Use of Flexibility Mechanisms in Romania

April, 2016

This report is on possible improvements
on management of revenues from auctioning of European Union
Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) allowances and use of
flexibility mechanisms in Romania. The principal objective
of this report is to propose improvements on management of
revenue from the auctioning of EU ETS allowances, as well as
describe possible use of flexibility mechanisms in Romania,
in order to mobilize and enable both public and private


November, 2015

Maldives is an island nation scattered
in the Indian Ocean comprising 1,190 small coral islands of
which 190 are inhabited by a local population of 341,000.
Maldives’ unique archipelagic coral island provides the
country with an extremely rich and diverse marine ecological
system. With more territorial sea than land, marine
resources have played a vital role shaping the contours of
economic development, with nature-based tourism being the

Managing Environmental and Social Risks in Development Policy Financing

November, 2015

Effective environmental and social risk
management in development policy financing (DPF) is central
to achieving the World Bank’s goals of ending extreme
poverty and promoting shared prosperity in a sustainable
manner. If the World Bank is supporting far-reaching member
country reforms that are intended to contribute to the twin
goals, then it should seek to understand the impact of those
reforms on the poor. It should also ensure that the

Developing Monitoring and Evaluation Systems for the National Climate Change and Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy and Action Plan in Romania

April, 2016

In support of the Climate Change and Low
Carbon Green Growth Program of Romania (LCGGP), the World
Bank has prepared the current report with the aim of helping
the Romanian Government to operationalize the strategic path
chosen by the country for implementing its National Climate
Change and Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy 2016-20302
(NSCC) and the associated 2016-2020 Action Plan for Climate
Change (APCC). This includes some relevant institutional

Analysis of Community Forest Management in Madagascar

December, 2015

The major role tropical forests play in
biodiversity and climate change has led the world to search
for effective ways to slow down deforestation. Community
forest management (CFM) is an example of the broader concept
of community-based natural resources management (CBNRM). As
part of the decentralization policy in many countries,
mainly in Africa and Asia, CFM was expected to promote: (i)
a more effective stewardship of the resources by involving

The World Bank Group’s Partnership with the Global Environment Facility

November, 2015

The World Bank Group was a principal founding partner of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in its pilot phase in 1991, and of the restructured GEF in 1994. The Bank plays three different roles in the GEF: (a) as trustee of the GEF and related trust funds, (b) as implementing agency, including the implementation of private-sector GEF projects by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and (c) as the host organization of the functionally independent GEF secretariat.

Bolivia Systematic Country Diagnostic

April, 2016

The objective of this Systematic Country
Diagnostic (SCD) is to identify the priority constraints
Bolivia faces in sustaining its gains on reducing poverty
and enhancing shared prosperity over the next years. It will
analyze the dynamics behind the progress achieved in the
past decade on inclusive growth, and identify a number of
key constraints for sustaining and consolidating this
progress. The SCD begins, in Chapter two, with a

Land Rental Markets in the Process of Rural Structural Transformation: Productivity and Equity Impacts from China

March, 2012

Although the importance of land rental for overall economic development and development of the non-agricultural economy has long been recognized in theory, empirical evidence on factors that can promote or impede operation of such markets and their productivity and equity impacts, especially in rapidly developing economies with rather equal land endowments, remains limited. A large household level panel is used to illustrate the large contribution of land markets to occupational diversification, productivity of land use, and household welfare.

Tajikistan Economic Update, Fall 2015

December, 2015

Tajikistan’s economy exceeded
expectations during the first six months of 2015 despite a
challenging external environment. According to official
data, GDP growth slowed only moderately from 6.7 percent in
the first half of 2014 to 6.4 percent year on year (y/y) in
the first half of 2015, even as remittances from Russia
fell, global demand weakened, and prices for the country’s
key export commodities such as aluminum and cotton dropped

World Bank Research Digest, Vol. 10(1)

November, 2015

This issue includes the following
headings: Climate Change and Rural Livelihoods in
Bangladesh; Natural Disasters and Household Well-Being; Road
Improvement and Deforestation, Pathways toward Zero-Carbon
Electricity; The Need for Broader Information in Climate
Change Assessment; Effectiveness of Protected Areas; and
Vulnerability to Malnutrition in the West African Sahel

Global Experiences with Special Economic Zones

August, 2015

This paper is intended to provide a
brief overview of the different SEZ experiences in China and
Africa, the key lessons that Africa can learn from China, as
well as the recent Chinese zones in Africa. For this
purpose, the paper is structured in the following way:
section 1 starts with definition of SEZs, then followed with
the Chinese experiences (section 2), African experiences
(section 3), the lessons that Africa can learn from China

Country Partnership Framework the Arab Republic of Egypt for the Period FY2015-2019

December, 2015

The World Bank Group (WBG) Country
Partnership Framework (CPF) for Egypt forFY15-19 has been
prepared at an important juncture in Egypt’s history to
support transformational changes to the economic and social
space. It builds on the Government of Egypt’s (GOE)
medium-term strategy and national priorities for economic
development, responds to client demands, and is informed by
consultations with a broad array of stakeholders in Egypt.