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Ministerial Decree No. 94 on approval of regulations for land use.

Western Asia

This Decree sets forth provisions on efficient use of land for all land owners, users and lessees, soil operations, protection of environment, soil protection, improvement of natural and man-made landscapes, scientific research and sustainable development. This Decree specifies that land structures consist of complex and economic structure. The scheme and projects on soil operations shall be implemented by the State Committee on Property Issues and the State Committee of Real Estate and Land Issues of the Nakhcevan Autonomous Republic.

Government Regulation No. 26/2008 regarding National Territorial Layout Plan.

South-Eastern Asia

This Government Regulation provides guidelines on policies and strategies related to national spatial planning.The Government Regulation aims mainly at realizing: harmonization between the environment and biological environment; the unity of the use of land, sea and air; the rational and appropriate utilization of natural resources; etc.The Regulation covers policies and strategies for the development of the space structure and space pattern.

Resolución Nº 940/2015 – Modifícase la Resolución Nº 515 de 2006, que crea el Programa para la Gestión Ambiental de Sitios Contaminados.

South America

La presente Resolución reemplaza el artículo 3º de la Resolución Nº 515 de 2006, que establece los objetivos del Programa para la Gestión Ambiental de Sitios Contaminados.

Decision No. 120/2009/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Thuan province up to 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Binh Thuan province.This Decision aims at raising to the utmost all resources to improve the quality of economic growth, boosting the economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization, combining economic growth with social development, hunger eradication, poverty reduction and social justice.The main objectives of the plan include: development of agriculture, forestry and fishery; sustainable protection and development of the environment and of natural resources; control of environmental pollution;

Loi n° 26 - 2012 du 24 septembre 2012 portant création de l’Institut National de Recherche en Sciences Exactes et Naturelles.

Middle Africa

La présente loi crée l’institut national de recherche en sciences exactes et naturelles ayant pour missions de: organiser, conduire et exécuter toute recherche fondamentale et appliquée visant la promotion du développement national dans les champs disciplinaires constitutifs des sciences exactes et naturelles; mettre en œuvre une programmation scientifique autour des axes prioritaires pour le développement du pays, à partir des besoins réels des populations et des utilisateurs, faire les inventaires de la flore, de la faune, des sols et sous-sols, des eaux et des facteurs météorologiques du

Localism Act 2011 (2011 Cap. 20).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act contains a wide range of measures to devolve more powers to councils and neighbourhoods and give local communities greater control over local decisions like housing and planning. It also concerns a wide variety of matters affecting the environment.

Contaminated Land Management Regulation 1998.


This Regulation implements the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 by providing specifications on record keeping (Part 2) and on site auditors (Part 3). The Regulation is completed by one schedule that contains the model forms prescribed under the Act.

Implements: Contaminated Land Management Act 1997. (2017-06-01)
Repealed by: Contaminated Land Management Regulation 2008. (2008-09-01)

Décret n° 2-10-250 pris pour l'application de la loi n° 25-10 relative à l'aménagement et à la mise en valeur du site de la lagune de Marchica.

Northern Africa

Il est créé dans le site de la lagune de Marchica, une zone d'aménagement et de mise en valeur dont les limites sont fixées conformément au plan annexé à la présente loi. A l'intérieur de la dite zone, les attributions de l'Agence urbaine de Nador sont exercées par l'Agence pour l'aménagement du site de la lagune de Marchica, instituée à l'article 37 de la loi n° 25-10, dont l'organisation, la tutelle et les missions sont établies par les dispositions du présent décret.

Provincial Land Use Policies Regulation (Man. Reg. 184/94).

Northern America

The present Regulation lays down provisions relating to provincial land use policies. In particular, they are intended to promote sustainable development. They serve as a guide to provincial and local authorities undertaking and reviewing land use plans. The Policies may be refined and adapted at the local level to suit the needs of different areas of Manitoba. A new land use plan, or amendment to an existing plan, shall be reviewed to ensure that it fulfills the objectives of the Policies in a reasonable manner. The text consists of 2 sections and 1 Schedule.

Order No. 56 on Standards of Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition (GAEC).

Northern Europe

The Order sets out requirement standards for good agricultural and environmental conditions in order for farmers to comply with regulations on granted subsidy for land development, in accordance to the Rural Development Programme for the period 2007-2013. Uncultivated land must be kept with vegetation until cultivation is resumed.Appendix 1 - Summary of requirements for good agricultural and environmental conditions in 2012.Appendix 2 - Conversion table for horses and ruminants.