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They Spoke Truth to Power and Were Murdered in Cold Blood

Reports & Research
November, 2016

The present report highlights the situation of environmental human rights defenders (EHDRs). In this report, I want to raise alarm about the increasing and intensifying violence against them. I am extremely appalled by the number of killings and attacks and the lack of response from States in front of such situation. I want to make recommendations to various stakeholders in order to reverse this worrying trend and to empower and protect those defenders, for the sake of our common environment and sustainable development.

Os Seringueiros e a Invenção de um Outro Paradigma. Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves - LEMTO-UFF. (septiembre 2015)

Policy Papers & Briefs
February, 2016

Con la noción de la reexistencia, como la reinvención creativa de las circunstancias propias, el documento técnico muestra a los siringueros dentro del sistema-mundo colonial y capitalista, como un movimiento que propone la Reserva Extractivista como la mejor forma de defender y construirse autónomamente, aglutinando una perspectiva de clase, las relaciones de género y la relación con la naturaleza…

Los Siringueros y la invención de un nuevo paradigma, Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves - LEMTO-UFF. (septiembre 2015)

Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2016

Con la noción de la reexistencia, como la reinvención creativa de las circunstancias propias, el documento técnico muestra a los siringueros dentro del sistema-mundo colonial y capitalista, como un movimiento que propone la Reserva Extractivista como la mejor forma de defender y construirse autónomamente, aglutinando una perspectiva de clase, las relaciones de género y la relación con la naturaleza…

Albergue Ecológico Chalalán El Aprovechamiento De Un Territorio Indígena de la Amazonía boliviana

Reports & Research
December, 2014

La comunidad ha gestionado y financiado la titulación de su territorio sin apoyo externo. Se trata de una empresa comunitaria con impactos económicos, sociales y ambientales dentro del Parque Nacional Madidi, lo cual es reconocido tanto en Bolivia como en el exterior del país, puesto que además se trata de la primera empresa de ecoturismo indígena, manejada por una comunidad entera.

Improving Tenure Security for the Rural Poor. Rwanda – Country Case Study

Reports & Research
December, 2006

Most of the world’s poor work in the “informal economy” – outside of recognized and enforceable rules.
Thus, even though most have assets of some kind, they have no way to document their possessions
because they lack formal access to legally recognized tools such as deeds, contracts and permits.
The Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor (CLEP) is the first global anti-poverty initiative
focusing on the link between exclusion, poverty and law, looking for practical solutions to the challenges

LAND Project Report: Vulnerability and Knowledge of the Legal Framework on Land

Reports & Research
December, 2015

This report presents the results of a small scale household survey that was conducted in May
2015 to assess the extent to which rural Rwandan citizens are vulnerable or resilient to
environmental, market and land tenure risks and the level they understand the laws and rights
related to land. The report also compares the results of the survey with those from the baseline
survey conducted in May 2014, and seeks to inform the LAND Project of its progress in
achieving objectives entailed in the project’s results framework, namely:

LAND Project Policy Brief: Climate Change Adaptation Within Land Use and Tenure Reforms in Rwanda

Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2015

Across equatorial and east Africa, climate change is affecting the frequency, intensity
and variability of regional climate patterns.1 Changes in rainfall patterns, temperatures
and storm intensity are having significant effects on national economies, regional
infrastructure, land use and local livelihoods. These changes are forcing national and
local governments to adjust and adapt how they plan, prepare and implement day to
day operations today and larger visions for the future. The ability of governmental