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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 853 - 864 of 4983

Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on Mountain Hydrology : Development of a Methodology through a Case Study in the Andes of Peru

March, 2012

The objective of study of the impacts of
climate change on mountain hydrology is to develop a
methodology to assess the net impacts of climate change on
the hydrological response in mountainous regions. This is
done through a case study in the Peruvian Andes. There are
few examples of predictions of the impact of climate change
on resource availability and even fewer examples of the
applications of such predictions to planning for sustainable

Cote d'Ivoire - The Growth Agenda : Building on Natural Resources and Exports

March, 2013

Cote d'Ivoire was an economic
success story in the first twenty years of independence, but
a sharp reversal began in 1980 and by 1993 per capita
incomes was back to the level of 1960. Devaluation of the
African Financial Community (CFA) franc triggered an
economic rebound, but this was soon undermined by the
political crisis beginning in 1999. Just as the economy was
starting to move forward, a new crisis struck in early 2011,

The Drought and Food Crisis in the Horn of Africa : Impacts and Proposed Policy Responses for Kenya

August, 2012

As the world begins to feel the effects
of climate change, the frequency of droughts is increasing
in the Horn of Africa. In Kenya, the drought and food crisis
affect welfare through two main channels. The first channel
is the increased mortality of livestock in drought-affected
areas, which are home to 10 percent of the country's
population. The second channel is by exacerbating increases
in food prices, which are largely driven by worldwide price

Linking Smallholders to Livestock Markets in Tanzania : Combing Market and Household Survey Data

April, 2014

Linking farmers to markets is widely
viewed as a milestone towards promoting economic growth and
poverty reduction. However, market and institutional
imperfections along the supply chain thwart perfect vertical
and spatial price transmission and prevent farmers and
market actors from getting access to information,
identifying business opportunities and allocating their
resources efficiently. This acts as a barrier to market-led

India - Vulnerability of Kolkata
metropolitan area to increased precipitation in a changing climate

March, 2012

This study aims to strengthen the
understanding of the vulnerability of Kolkata from increased
precipitation caused by climate change effects with a
specific goal to: compile a data base with past weather
related information and damage caused by extreme weather
related episodes; develop hydrological, hydraulic, and storm
drainage models to identify vulnerable areas and determine
physical damage estimates resulting from climate change

Intensification of Livestock Production Systems in the North West Region of Cameroon : A South-to-South Collaboration for Technology Transfer, The Tugi Silvopastoral Project

March, 2013

The Tugi Silvo-pastoral Project (TUSIP)
is a South-South Cooperation between the Tropical
Agriculture Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE)
based in Costa Rica ( and the Akwi Memorial
Foundation (AMF) based in the North West Region of Cameroon.
The main goal of TUSIP was to assess the environmental
benefits of a set of silvo-pastoral practices and to empower

Wealth Sharing for Conflict Prevention and Economic Growth : Botswana Case Study of Natural Resource Utilization for Peace and Development

June, 2014

There are countries in Asia, Europe, the
Middle East and even a few such countries in Africa that are
using non-renewable resources to drive development and have
not experienced conflict. South Africa, Namibia, Botswana,
and Zambia are such typical cases in Africa. Instead, the
presence of significant minerals in Botswana is associated
with economic development and democracy as well as peace.
This paper applies the "resource curse", thesis to

Pakistan - Gilgit-Baltistan Economic Report : Broadening the Transformation

March, 2012

Parts of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), the
northeastern most administrative region of Pakistan, have
been undergoing a dramatic transformation over the last
three decades. Given the challenging environment, GB's
development outcomes are impressive, built on the
time-tempered resilience of the people of GB and facilitated
by high levels of social capital. GB has also benefitted
from the attentions of the national Government of Pakistan

Poverty-Forests Linkages Toolkit : Overview and National Level Engagement

March, 2013

Over the past few years there has been a
growing interest in the role that forests play in supporting
the poor, in reducing their vulnerability to economic and
environmental shocks, and in reducing poverty itself.
International workshops in Italy, Scotland, Finland and
Germany have focused on the contribution of forests to
livelihoods and the policies needed to strengthen that
contribution. At the same time, Forestry Ministries, though

From Political to Economic Awakening in the Arab World : The Path of Economic Integration - Deauville Partnership Report on Trade and Foreign Direct Investment, Volume 1. Overview Report

December, 2012

The forces unleashed by the Arab
political awakening have the power to be transformational.
One critical parameter of success will be whether the Arab
political awakening is accompanied by a concurrent economic
awakening. Economic integration through increased trade and
foreign direct investment (FDI) is one key means available
in the short to medium term to policy makers to put the
Partnership countries on a higher path of sustainable

Adapting to Climate Change : Assessing World Bank Group Experience--Phase III of the World Bank Group and Climate Change

January, 2015

This paper constitutes the third and final volume of a series of assessments of the World Bank Group's engagement with climate change issues. The first focused on World Bank involvement in policy issues related to greenhouse gas mitigation. It was mainly concerned with the potential for energy price reform and energy efficiency policies to yield dividends in growth, fiscal savings, and climate change mitigation. The second volume examined project-level lessons related to greenhouse gas mitigation.