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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 493 - 504 of 4983

Determinants of the Adoption of Sustainable Land Management Practices and Their Impacts in the Ethiopian Highlands

June, 2012

An extensive review of literature on the
determinants of adoption and impacts of land management
technologies in the Ethiopian highlands was undertaken to
guide policy makers and development agencies in crafting
programs and policies that can better and more effectively
address land degradation in Ethiopia. Several
generalizations emerge from the review: 1) the profitability
of land management technologies is a very important factor

Does Land Fragmentation Increase the Cost of Cultivation? Evidence from India

December, 2014

Although a large literature discusses
the productivity effects of land fragmentation, measurement
and potential endogeneity issues are often overlooked. This
paper uses several measures of fragmentation and controls
for endogeneity and crop choice by looking at inherited
paddy and wheat plots to show that these issues matter
empirically. While crop choice can mitigate effects,
fragmentation as measured by the Simpson index increases

Reforming Supply of Policy Land in India : Policy Note

February, 2013

This note summarizes the key findings of
the attached consultant report. India is still primarily a
rural, agrarian economy in which land use and land rights
are an emotional issue. Prior to 1990 the presumption was
that only residual land (non agricultural) would be made
available for industrial use and because the state was the
principal industrial investor the state would acquire any
land needed. After 1990 the expectation was that private

Going Digital : Credit Effects of Land Registry Computerization in India

March, 2012

Despite strong beliefs that property
titling and registration will enhance credit access,
empirical evidence in support of such effects remains scant.
The gradual roll-out of computerization of land registry
systems across Andhra Pradesh's 387 sub-registry
offices allows us to combine quarterly administrative data
on credit disbursed by all commercial banks for an
eleven-year period (1997-2007) aggregated to the

Land Allocation in Vietnam's Agrarian Transition

July, 2014

While liberalizing key factor markets is
a crucial step in the transition from a socialist
control-economy to a market economy, the process can be
stalled by imperfect information, high transaction costs,
and covert resistance from entrenched interests. The authors
study land-market adjustment in the wake of Vietnam's
reforms aiming to establish a free market in land-use rights
following de-collectivization. Inefficiencies in the initial

The Inter-linkages between Rapid Growth in Livestock Production, Climate Change, and the Impacts on Water Resources, Land Use, and Deforestation

September, 2014

Livestock systems globally are changing
rapidly in response to human population growth,
urbanization, and growing incomes. This paper discusses the
linkages between burgeoning demand for livestock products,
growth in livestock production, and the impacts this may
have on natural resources, and how these may both affect and
be affected by climate change in the coming decades. Water
and land scarcity will increasingly have the potential to

India : Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction

September, 2013

In India, land continues to be of
enormous economic, social, and symbolic relevance. The way
in which land can be accessed and its ownership documented
is at the core of the livelihood of the large majority of
the poor, especially in rural and tribal areas and
determines the extent to which increasingly scarce natural
resources are managed. Land policies and administration are
critical determinants of the transaction cost associated

Land Degradation and Population Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa : The Machakos Experience

Reports & Research
July, 2012

An issue which has generated much
concern has been the potential link between low incomes and
resource degradation. This report presents the results of a
study which investigated this question. Machakos District is
a relatively low income and agriculturally marginal district
in Kenya. Before World War II the colonial administration
was concerned that land degradation was becoming severe
under the pressure of population, aggravated by drought. The

Impact of European Union Membership on Agriculture and Rural Development in Newly Acceded Member States

April, 2016

This Policy Note looks at impacts of European Union accession on agriculture and rural sectors, taking into account specific sectoral features and policy choices pre- and post-accession. The most important lesson learned from recently acceded member states is that policy choices before accession will largely determine whether the agriculture sector will be able to fully reap the benefits of EU membership, by expanding trade, or will struggle in the face of increased market pressure.

Land Rental Markets in the Process of Rural Structural Transformation : Productivity and Equity Impacts in China

June, 2012

The importance of land rental for
overall economic development has long been recognized in
theory, yet empirical evidence on the productivity and
equity impacts of such markets and the extent to which they
realize their potential has been scant. Representative data
from China's nine most important agricultural provinces
illustrate the impact of rental markets on households'
economic strategies and welfare, and the productivity of

Uganda Sustainable Land Management : Public Expenditure Review

February, 2014

This report summarizes the findings of
the Uganda Sustainable Land Management Public Expenditure
Review (SLM PER). The SLM PER was undertaken to achieve six
main objectives: (i) establish a robust data base on
SLM-related public expenditure that can support credible
empirical analysis; (ii) develop a sound methodology for
conducting SLM PERs, which could guide similar work in the
future; (iii) analyze the level and composition of SLM

Learning from the Past : India Uttar Pradesh Sodic Lands Reclamation Project

August, 2012

India's Uttar Pradesh Sodic Lands
Reclamation Project has two objectives. First, it seeks to
reverse the decline of productivity through sustainable
reclamation of sodic lands. Second, it is intended to
prevent additional increases in sodicity through
strengthening local institutions and enabling effective
management of such programs with strong beneficiary
participation and nongovernmental organization (NGO)