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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 3841 - 3852 of 4983

Modelling the production impacts of a widespread conversion to organic agriculture in England and Wales

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2018
United Kingdom
United States of America

We assess the production impacts of a 100% conversion to organic agriculture in England and Wales using a large-scale linear programming model. The model includes a range of typical farm structures, scaled up across the available land area, with the objective of maximising food production. The effects of soil and rainfall, nitrogen (N) supply/offtake and livestock feed demand are accounted for. Results reveal major reductions in wheat and barley production, whilst the production of minor cereals such as oats and rye increase.

Spatial distribution and uncertainties of nitrogen budgets for agriculture in the Tagus river basin in Portugal – Implications for effectiveness of mitigation measures

Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2019

The present study describes a methodology to quantify the gross soil nitrogen balance (SNB) for agricultural land use in the Tagus Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (TVZ) between 1989 and 2016, including effects of implementation of the EC Nitrates Directive (ND, 91/676/EEC) since 2004. The study uses decadal information from National Agricultural Census at parish level and is supported by a Geographical Information System (GIS). The average SNB of the TVZ decreased significantly (p 

Missed opportunity? Framing actions around co-benefits for carbon mitigation in Australian agriculture

Peer-reviewed publication
May, 2019
United States of America

Agriculture around the world is one of the industries most affected by, and faced with responsibility to mitigate, climate change. Through improvements in technology and efficiency as well as changes to land use management, agriculture can make an important contribution to meeting global commitments such as the Paris agreement or the Sustainable Development Goals. Yet international carbon markets have not resulted in sufficiently high financial returns to motivate the full potential of land sector changes in Australia and globally.

Projected impacts of increased uptake of source control mitigation measures on agricultural diffuse pollution emissions to water and air

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2017
United Kingdom
United States of America

A multi-pollutant modelling framework for England and Wales is described. This includes emissions of nitrate, phosphorus and sediment to water and ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide to air, and has been used to characterise baseline (no uptake of on-farm measures) and business-as-usual (BAU) annual pollutant losses, comparing these with the loss under a range of new policies aimed at increasing the uptake of relevant source control measures to 95% across England and Wales.

Agricultura, desarrollo rural, tierra, sequía y desertificación: resultados, tendencias y desafíos para el desarrollo sostenible de América Latina y el Caribe

Reports & Research
April, 2008
Latin America and the Caribbean

En el presente documento se analizan los principales temas relacionados con el desarrollo agropecuario y rural, y la situación del medio ambiente y los recursos naturales de América Latina y el Caribe en el período 1990 a 2005. El documento está estructurado en torno a cinco ejes temáticos: i) desarrollo productivo; ii) deforestación; iii) degradación y desertificación; iv) factores sociales y demográficos, pobreza, ingreso y empleo, y cambios poblacionales, y v) cambio climático y desastres naturales.

Participación del campesino peruano en la producción y abastecimiento de alimentos

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1984

Analiza la importancia de la agricultura en la economia nacional, la tenencia y propiedad de la tierra, la reforma agraria, el consumo de productos alimentarios, la produccion agropecuaria, y la oferta, demanda e importacion de los principales productos agricolas y pecuarios destinados a la alimentacion.

Honduras: efectos del cambio climático sobre la agricultura

Reports & Research
June, 2010

En el presente estudio se analizan algunos de los efectos potenciales del cambio climático sobre el sector agropecuario hondureño. En particular se evalúan las variaciones en la producción y sus  efectos económicos en los próximos años y hasta 2100. Además de presentar resultados para el sector en su conjunto, se examinan ciertos subsectores incluyendo algunos de los cultivos más importantes del país. También se evalúan los efectos sobre los ingresos de los agricultores hondureños.