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Plan d’Investissement Forestier (PIF COTE D’IVOIRE)

National Policies
December, 2015
Côte d'Ivoire

La vision globale du Plan d’Investissement Forestier (PIF) est de : restaurer la productivité des ressources forestières et de les gérer de manière durable ; créer des incitations ; sécuriser le régime foncier et les droits d'accès aux terres en vue de créer un environnement propice à la transformation ; et mettre en œuvre l’agriculture zéro déforestation pour réduire la pression sur les forêts et améliorer les moyens de subsistance.Pour la réalisation de cette vision, quatre (4) objectifs spécifiques ont été identifiés, notamment: Restaurer, protéger et surveiller les forêts naturelles dan

Regional Law No. 650-ZS amending Regional Law No. 19-zs “On regulation of land relations”.

November, 2016

Article 3 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Legislative Assembly shall be responsible for determination of the categories workers of forestry and hunting management that are granted the right of service allotment of agricultural land parcels”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 19-zs “On regulation of land relations”. (2015-02-25)

Plan National Protection Nature (PNPN 2007–2011).

National Policies
April, 2007

Le Plan national concernant la protection de la nature est un document à portée nationale qui vise l’atteinte de deux objectifs stratégiques: a) enrayer la perte de la biodiversité, en particulier par le maintien et le rétablissement d’un état de conservation favorable des espèces et des habitats menacés, d’intérêt national ou communautaire; b) préserver et rétablir les services et processus écosystémiques à l’échelle paysagère et nationale.

Regulation No. 435 date 8.6.2016 amending and supplementing Regulation No. 1374 date 10.10.2008 on rules and rules of procedure for removal, addition, and change in the destination of the pasture fund.

June, 2016

Regulation 435 of 2016 amends and supplements certain definitions laid down in Regulation 1347 of 2008 as well as its sections 7, 12, and 17. According to the amendment, the line Ministry has to request a technical report from the municipality within one week of an application submission while the municipality has to respond and prepare a technical report within 10 days of the request. Further, the value of the removed pasture area has to be paid in full before the approval is issued.

Mid-Term Development Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PRSP) 2004-2007.

National Policies
February, 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Mid-Term Development Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PRSP) is a strategic instrument with a multi-sectoral approach, relating to the period 2004-2007, whose main goals are (i) to create conditions for sustainable and balanced economic development, (ii) to reduce poverty, and (iii) to accelerate the integration of the country into the European Union. The strategy lays down macroeconomic and fiscal measures, and promotes the private sector growth to attain the objectives above-mentioned.

Poverty Reduction Strategy.

National Policies
December, 2007

Liberia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) is built on the foundation of the Government’s 150-Day Action Plan. The PRS is part of a longer-term continuum of the Government’s strategy for rapid, inclusive and sustainable growth and poverty reduction, including progress toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The PRS covers the three-year period from April 2008 to June 2011.

Stratégie National et Plan D'Action de la Diversité Biologique du Tchad 1999.

National Policies
February, 1999

La présente stratégie s’inscrit dans le cadre de la Convention Internationale sur la Diversité Biologique. Les objectifs de la stratégie sont de deux ordres, l’un de développement dont l’essence est la recherche de la sécurité alimentaire, et l’autre spécifique pour pallier cette recherche de la productivité avec la gestion rationnelle des ressources.

Rwanda Environmental Policy.

National Policies
December, 2002

The protection and management of environment are among the pillars of Vision 2020. The objective of the Government is that by 2020, it will have built a nation in which pressure on natural resources, particularly on land, water, biomass and biodiversity, has significantly been reduced and the process of environmental pollution and degradation has been reversed; a nation in which the management and protection of these resources and environment are more rational and well regulated in order to preserve and bequeath to future generations the basic wealth necessary for sustainable development.