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Communal land

December, 2018

Communal land is one of the land tenure systems in Namibia, the other being freehold land tenure system. At independence in 1990,Namibia resolved to retain communal land on the basis that majority of the population derived their livelihoods from communal land.Notwithstanding the increasing urban population in the country since independence, the majority of the Namibian population still lives in the communal areas, and many of the urban-based population continue to have close relations in rural areas.

Assessing the costs of tenure risks to agribusinesses

Reports & Research
January, 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa

Tenure risk – or the risk of dispute between investors and local people over land or natural resource claims – is endemic in emerging markets. There are hundreds of recorded incidents of tenure disputes creating delays, violence, project cancellation and even bankruptcy at a corporate level. These tenure disputes create lose-lose outcomes for investors, local people and national governments while robbing emerging markets of the developmental benefits of responsible land investments.

QTR Tenure Risk Tool

Training Resources & Tools
January, 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa

New research by the Quantifying Tenure Risk (QTR) initiative has revealed that land disputes can cause losses of up to $101 million across a range of agricultural projects in Africa, while at the same time causing significant harm and stress to local communities who have a claim to the land.

In response, the initiative has developed a new publicly available economic modelling tool to accurately determine the potential cost of a dispute in a bid to help companies avoid harmful investments. 

The Tenure Risk Tool: helping investors meet environmental, social and governance criteria

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa
Tenure disputes – or disputes over claims to land and natural resources – are endemic in emerging market agricultural land investments.  


In this brief, the Quantifying Tenure Risk (QTR) initiative give an overview of key findings from their new research into the costs associated with land tenure dispute in Africa, and present the Tenure Risk Tool, a discounted cashflow model created to help investors avoid harmful investments.

Palm oil companies risk losing up to $22.1 million from land tenure disputes

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa
Depending on the size and location of their investment, oil palm producers and investors risk losing between $8.3 and $22.1 million due to operational delays caused by active land tenure disputes. These numbers have emerged from the Tenure Risk Tool (TRT), a due diligence tool designed by the Quantifying Tenure Risk (QTR) initiative to help businesses understand their exposure to tenure risk in sub-Saharan Africa. 
This brief shares findings from TRT analysis using data collected from palm oil producers in Liberia, Uganda and Côte d’Ivoire. 

Rural producer agency and agricultural value chains: What role for socio-legal empowerment?

Reports & Research
January, 2019

Growing numbers of policies and programmes aim to integrate small-scale rural producers into agricultural value chains. But significant questions remain over how best to: recognise the possibly divergent visions, interests and constraints of various actors; address often substantial power imbalances; and ultimately promote agency among rural producers and their communities – that is, their ability to choose, act and influence realities around them.

Understanding the spatial distribution of agricultural land use in view of climate-driven hydrological changes - Expert Pool Report

Reports & Research
December, 2013

In the context of Knowledge for Climate programme, an expert pool was requested from Theme 6 (high quality climate projections) to provide data and information to study the future impacts of climate change on the agricultural land-use patterns in the Netherlands. More specifically, a number of questions were posed in regard to: 1) representing and explaining the spatial distribution of different types of farming; and 2) simulating with Land Use Scanner the future developments of agricultural land-use while taking into account effects of climate change and changes in (agricultural) policy.

Landschappelijke verkenning Emst-Zuid

Reports & Research
December, 2011

In het gebied Emst-zuid, gelegen op de oostelijke Veluwerand, zijn allerlei ruimtelijke ontwikkelingen gaande op het gebied van natuur- en landschapsontwikkeling (realisatie EHS-Wisselse Poort), uitbreiding recreatieve voorzieningen, landbouw en kavelruil, beheer historische beken, ontwikkelen aantrekkelijk woongebied voor bewoners, herinrichting van het watersysteem e.a. Voor Gelders Landschap zijn hier in het verleden veel voormalige landbouwgronden verworven voor natuurontwikkeling. Geldersch Landschap heeft hier ook de regierol voor de gebiedsontwikkeling.

Landbouw in PARK21; Analyse van de effecten voor de landbouw van de inrichting PARK21 in de Haarlemmermeer

Reports & Research
December, 2011

Het aantal landbouwbedrijven dat in het gebied van plan PARK21 toekomstmogelijkheden heeft zal veel lager zijn dan het huidige aantal bedrijven. De terugloop wordt sterk bepaald door de mate waarin kansen voor multifunctionele landbouwactiviteiten worden opgepakt. Op basis van het onderzoek, waarbij de inbreng van de betrokkenen een belang-rijke rol gespeeld heeft, zijn een tweetal scenario’s opgesteld als uitersten voor de toekomst van de landbouwbedrijven in het gebied.

Puzzelen met de ruimte in Limburg; Ruimteclaims in het Limburgs landelijkgebied

Reports & Research
December, 2009

In de provincie Limburg is er steeds meer discussie tussen overheden, de landbouwsector en maatschappelijke organisaties over de inrichting van het landelijk gebied in relatie tot de landbouwproductieruimte en andere maatschappelijke gewenste opgaven (groene, blauwe, maar ook rode opgaven). De provincie Limburg wilde graag door uitvoering van een strategisch onderzoek inzicht en ondersteuning in de vraag welke maatregelen en instrumenten ontbreken c.q.