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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 2929 - 2940 of 4983

Agriculture in urban planning: generating livelihoods and food security

December, 2008

This report, by researchers working in urban agriculture (UA), examines concrete strategies to integrate city farming into the urban landscape. Drawing on original field work in cities across the rapidly urbanising global South, the book examines the contribution of UA and city farming to livelihoods and food security. The case studies covered by the authors, focus on the following aspects of urban agriculture:

Training manual on agricultural water management

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2008

This training manual on agricultural water management has been prepared with the aim of providing reference and guidance materials on smallholders' agricultural management, primarily for Ethiopian farmers, with support of development agents and technical personnel. The documents use existing knowledge in the form of texts, figures, demonstration materials derived from various sources such as books, grey literature such as web material, reports, manuals, etc.  

Soils on the global agenda: developing international mechanisms for sustainable land management

December, 2005

This report contributes to the aim of the International Union of Soil Sciences to put sustainable land management higher on the global agenda. The report is divided into three distinct sections:Part I discusses the global soils agenda and outlines experiences and strategies for sustainable land management. It also highlights challenges related to implementing this agenda globallyPart II presents summaries of papers on the development of international mechanisms and instruments for sustainable land management (SLM).

Conserving land, protecting water

December, 2007

Following from the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture project, this book examines the relationships and linkages between land use and water management and social systems. Given that agriculture is the largest economic sector in many developing countries, this volume provides innovative ideas for the prevention of land degradation and for improving the sustainability of food production in the developing world.

Soil conservation in Tigray, Ethiopia

December, 2001
Sub-Saharan Africa

This report presents a review into soil erosion and conservation research and efforts made in Tigray.The report includes both traditional measures and activities promoted by non-government organisations (NGO's) and government projects. Main emphasis is placed on stone terracing and stone bunds since these are the most widely used soil conservation measures in the region.

Farmland utilization and improvements for agricultural production infrastructure: farmland consolidation

December, 2012
Republic of Korea

Farmland consolidation is the act of consolidating a series of fragmented and irregular farmland plots to enlarge plot their size and support sufficient irrigation. Farmland consolidation also combines and groups the proprietor’s farmland into one area by administrative give-and-take as well as division-and-junction of their land. Moreover, it also includes the rearrangement of farmland, which is small or lacks sufficient infrastructure due to farmland consolidation or earthwork waterways projects that were done in the past.

Allocation and tenure instruments on forest lands: a source book

December, 2003

This book, prepared by the Philippine Environmental Governance Project, serves as a reference guide for field personnel in guiding communities, investors, local government units, private persons and other organisations desiring to apply for tenure instruments on forest lands.The book covers all existing tenure and allocation agreements for the management and use of forest resources in forest lands. Agreements generally refer to long-term tenure instruments in forest lands with right of occupation.

Property rights reform in Philippine agriculture: framework for analysis and review of recent experience

December, 1999
Eastern Asia

This paper constructs a framework for and reviews studies on property rights reforms in the agricultural and natural resources sector. In the case of agrarian reform, several hypotheses are posited: that agrarian reform will increase the rate of capital accumulation of beneficiaries and improve tenurial security, but may have negative impacts on land access, investments of landowners, and efficiency of land use. For the natural resources sector, the implications of open access and promotion of property rights are surveyed for the Philippine case.

From conflict to consensus: towards joint management of natural resources by pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in the zone of Kishi Beiga, Burkina Faso

December, 1999
Burkina Faso
Sub-Saharan Africa

This article explores the breakdown of complementarity between agriculture and livestock in the Kishi Beiga area in the north of Burkina Faso. The article suggests that the the two systems now compete for land and local management systems have broken down.This article discusses a joint GTZ and Government of Burkina Faso initiative to improve natural resource management and people's livelihoods.

Looking back, looking ahead : land, agriculture and society in East Africa : a festschrift for Kjell Havnevik

December, 2014
Sub-Saharan Africa

Professor Kjell Havnevik is retiring from the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) in 2015. For four decades, he has carried out research, taught and supervised students as well as participated in policy debates on different aspects of agriculture, the environment and African and international development policies. His output has been voluminous and is internationally recognised. His academic record includes research and teaching positions at universities and research institutes in Tanzania, Norway and Sweden as well as shorter assignments in several other countries.

Assessing the relationship between property rights and technology adoption in smallholder agriculture: a review of issues & empirical methods

December, 1999

This paper identifies key issues and develops guidelines for conducting research on the relationships between property rights and technology adoption in smallholder agriculture.The topics addressed in the paper are: definition of scope and termskey issues pertaining to the relationships between technology adoption and property rights variables data collection and measurement issuesanalyses and interpretation of findings The primary target groups for this paper are researchers and policy analysts wishing to undertake or interpret empirical research

Land reform in Zimbabwe – good for poor black farmers?

December, 2002

Zimbabwe’s fast-track land reform has had a bad press. Reports of violence and intimidation have obscured the reality that formal procedures used to settle black farmers in model villages bear a striking resemblance to earlier colonial procedures. Whilst colonial myths about African farmers as subsistence oriented and inefficient live on, evidence from south-eastern Zimbabwe suggests that the reforms have benefited some poor black farmers