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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1381 - 1392 of 4983

Lebanon : Policy Note on Irrigation Sector Sustainability

July, 2013

This Policy Note has three main
objectives : a) formulate strategic choices related to the
sustainability of irrigated agriculture in Lebanon. b)
recommend institutional strengthening of water resource
management in the irrigation sector in general, especially
for operations and maintenance (O&M). c) define the
Bank's future involvement in the irrigated agriculture
sector. As demand for domestic, industrial, and agriculture

Growth Challenges and Government Policies in Armenia

Reports & Research
February, 2002

This report reviews growth trends in
Armenia for the period 1994-2000, outlines major weaknesses
of existing development patterns, and suggests a package of
policy recommendations designed to accelerate enterprise
restructuring, attract investment, and encourage the
creation of new businesses in the medium term (three to five
years). Such steps are needed to sustain (and preferably to
increase) the current growth rates, to stop emigration among

Missed Opportunities : Innovation and Resource-Based Growth in Latin America

August, 2014
Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America missed opportunities for
rapid resource-based growth that similarly endowed
countries-Australia, Canada, Scandinavia-were able to take
advantage of. Fundamental to this poor performance was
deficient technological adoption driven by two factors.
First, deficient national "learning" or
"innovative" capacity, arising from low investment
in human capital and scientific infrastructure, led to weak

Twenty-Seven Months - Intifada, Closures, and Palestinian Economic Crisis : An Assessment

July, 2013

"Twenty-Seven Months - Intifada,
Closures and Palestinian Economic Crisis: An
Assessment" was prepared as a follow-up to a report
published in March 2002 ("Fifteen Months - Intifada,
Closures and Palestinian Economic Crisis" report no.
24931). The main objectives of this second Assessment are
once again to help donors and the Palestinian Authority (PA)
cope with the deep economic crisis in the West Bank and

Sri Lanka Development Forum : The Economy, Regional Disparities, and Global Opportunities

June, 2012
Sri Lanka

This report is intended to inform the
discussions of the Sri Lanka Development Forum.
Specifically, section One reviews recent economic
performance, the status of macroeconomic management and the
strategic directions outlined in Mahinda Chintana. It notes
that the recent acceleration in Sri Lanka's growth can
be partly attributed to large aid flows for tsunami
reconstruction and to rapid growth in domestic demand. While

The Impact of Chilean Fruit Sector Development on Female Employment and Household Income

August, 2013

Modern fruit sector development in Chile
led to agricultural employment for women, though usually
only as temporary workers and often at a piece rate.
Nonetheless, fruit sector employment offered women access to
income and personal fulfillment previously lacking. The
authors link the fruit sector to improving female and family
economic welfare in rural Chile and changing gender
relations. Using a unique longitudinal data set, they

World Development Indicators 2000

June, 2013

This is the fourth annual edition of the
World Bank's statistical reference. It provides an
expanded view of the world economy for 148 countries with
chapters focusing on world view, people, environment,
economy, states and markets, and global links as well as
introductions highlighting recent research on major
development issues. This edition includes some key
indicators for 1999. This report aims to make statistics

Drivers of Sustainable Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Central America : Nicaragua Case Study, Volume 2. Background Papers and Technical Appendices

July, 2013
Central America

This regional study encompasses three
Central American countries: Nicaragua, Guatemala, and
Honduras. The focus of this report is Nicaragua. The
objective of the study is to understand how broad-based
economic growth can be stimulated, and sustained in rural
Central America. The study identifies "drivers" of
sustainable rural growth and poverty reduction, where
drivers are defined as the assets and combinations of assets

Sustainable Amazon : Limitations and Opportunities for Rural Development

June, 2013

The report contributes to the debate
surrounding land use in the Brazilian Amazon. It sets the
context by reviewing the evidence concerning the deleterious
effect of increasing levels of rainfall on agricultural
settlement, and productivity. Next, it compares the economic
future of an Amazonian community, under the traditional
"predatory logging followed by ranching" model,
and under sustainable logging. Last, the authors investigate

Sri Lanka - Reshaping Economic Geography : Connecting People to Prosperity

February, 2015
Sri Lanka

Economic progress is accompanied by a
fundamental spatial transformation where the economic
landscapes of countries become increasingly uneven. The
journey from low incomes to high incomes involves rising
concentration of prosperity in a few places. Connecting
people to prosperity - is the principle behind economic
integration policies that can help countries reap the
benefits of both uneven growth and inclusive development.

Kyrgyz Republic : Enhancing Pro-poor Growth

July, 2013

The goal of this report has been to
assist the Kyrgyz authorities in designing and implementing
their National Poverty Reduction Strategy (NPRS). An interim
report focusing on the relation between growth and poverty,
with detailed analysis o f transmission mechanisms in labor
market and agricultural sector was presented to the
authorities in August 2002. The interim report delivery was
driven by the schedule of NPRS preparation. This final

Using an Asset-Based Approach to Identify Drivers of Sustainable Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Central America: A Conceptual Framework

June, 2012
Central America

The asset-based approach considers links between households' productive, social, and locational assets; the policy, institutional, and risk context; household behavior as expressed in livelihood strategies; and well-being outcomes. For sustainable poverty reducing growth, it is critical to examine household asset portfolios and understand how assets interact with the context to influence the selection of livelihood strategies, which in turn determine well-being. Policy reforms can change the context and income-generating potential of assets.