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Displaying 1237 - 1248 of 4983

Benin : Financial Sector Review

June, 2012

This report combines a study undertaken in two phases of the Benin financial sector. Phase 1 of the study, conducted in 2003, provided a diagnostic of the financial system and focused on the state and performance of commercial banks, microfinance institutions, insurance companies and the pension fund system. Phase 2 of the study, conducted in the first half of 2004, focused on analyzing the access to finance issue identified during the diagnostic study. The lack of access to financial services by the majority of the population in Benin was the main issue revealed by the study.

Drivers of Sustainable Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Central America : Honduras Case Study, Volume 1. Executive Summary and Main Text

July, 2013
Central America

This regional study encompasses three
Central American countries: Nicaragua, Guatemala, and
Honduras. The focus of this report is Honduras. The
objective of the study is to understand how broad-based
economic growth can be stimulated and sustained in rural
Central America. The study identifies "drivers" of
sustainable rural growth and poverty reduction. Drivers are
defined as the assets and combinations of assets needed by

Ethiopia - Accelerating Equitable Growth : Country Economic Memorandum, Volume 1. Overview

June, 2012

This report presents an update on the
economic challenges facing Ethiopia with a focus on the
shared goal of accelerating equitable growth. The starting
point is the Government's own Plan for Accelerated and
Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP), which is in
the process of finalization, and is designed to cover the
period 2005-2010. This report proposes that the growth
strategy should more explicitly adopt a

Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda

June, 2012

Anderson and Martin examine the extent to which various regions, and the world as a whole, could gain from multilateral trade reform over the next decade. They use the World Bank's linkage model of the global economy to examine the impact first of current trade barriers and agricultural subsidies, and then of possible outcomes from the World Trade Organization's Doha round.

How Endowments, Accumulations, and Choice Determine the Geography of Agricultural Productivity in Ecuador

December, 2013

Spatial disparity in incomes and
productivity is apparent across and within countries. Most
studies of the determinants of such differences focus on
cross-country comparisons or location choice among firms.
Less studied are the large differences in agricultural
productivity within countries related to concentrations of
rural poverty. For policy, understanding the determinants of
this geography of agricultural productivity is important,

Solomon Islands - Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy : Building Local Foundations for Rural Development

June, 2012
Solomon Islands

In May 2006, the Government of the
Solomon Islands placed rural development at the top of its
policy agenda. The Solomon Islands Government's May
2006 Policy Framework Document places emphasis on
development through a bottom-up and holistic approach that
encompasses the empowerment of the people through rural
advancement strategies, the pursuit of the Millennium
Development Goals, the revitalization of the economy,

The Role of Tropical Forests in Supporting Biodiversity and Hydrological Integrity : A Synoptic Overview

June, 2012

Conservation of high-biodiversity tropical forests is sometimes justified on the basis of assumed hydrological benefits - in particular, the reduction of flooding hazards for downstream floodplain populations. However, the "far-field" link between deforestation and distant flooding has been difficult to demonstrate empirically. This simulation study assesses the relationship between forest cover and hydrology for all river basins intersecting the world's tropical forest biomes.

The Performance of Bulgarian Food Markets during Reform

March, 2012

Food policy often depends on markets and
markets depend on institutions. But how good do institutions
have to be before reforms can be launched? Relying on well
timed surveys of agricultural prices and a joint study by
the Government of Bulgaria and the World Bank on
agricultural market institutions, this paper presents
evidence that performance in food markets improved following
significant policy reforms in Bulgaria, although public

Afghanistan - Managing Public Finance for Development : Volume 3, Key Cross-cutting Issues

June, 2012

Afghanistan's reconstruction has made considerable progress during the past four years. Led by the Government with international support but relying mostly on the energy and initiative of the Afghan people, reconstruction has resulted in solid achievements -- rapid economic growth, unprecedented primary school enrollments including enrollments for girls, great expansion of immunization, rehabilitation of major highways, a new and stable currency, promulgation of a new Constitution, Presidential and Parliamentary elections, return of refugees, and demobilization of militias.

Andean Countries : A Strategy for Forestry, Volume 1. Executive Summary

July, 2014

The World Bank's revised forest
policy came into being in 2002 and covers all types of
forests. It has the following key objectives: (i) harnessing
the potential of forests to reduce poverty in a sustainable
manner; (ii) integrating forests effectively into
sustainable development; and (iii) protecting vital local
and global environmental services and values. The policy
enables the bank to fully engage in forestry throughout the

Jamaica : Fiscal Consolidation for Growth and Poverty Reduction, A Public Expenditure Review

June, 2012

This Public Expenditure Review (PER) builds on the commitments of the 2003 Country Economic Memorandum (CEM), and 2002 Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) Progress Report, being its primary objective to assess strengths and weaknesses in key areas of public expenditure, and identify policy options for fiscal sustainability. Jamaica's high debt aggravates debt sustainability and efforts to improve growth. Revenue performance is also a weak element in the country's overall fiscal framework, while the current level of public sector investment is too low to support strong sustained growth.