Displaying 591 - 600 of 24032017 HLPF : Land rights as a way to achieve Sustainable Development Goals
As 2017 High Level Political Forum takes place in New York during 10-19 July 2017, ASIA takes its position to ensure that Land Rights is one of the crucial element to achieve the SDGs.
Custodians of SDG Land Indicator 1.4.2 Facilitate Methodology Discussions
21 June 2017: A policy brief by the Global Donor Working Group on Land discusses renewed global commitment to strengthen tracking of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 1.4.2 on land tenure security.
Land and the SDGs: Let's Start with Evidence
International Land Coalition infographic on why Land Rights are central to achieving the SDGs.
Platform Policy Brief: Renewed commitment on Indicator 1.4.2 for achieving global land tenure security in the SDGs
The Global Donor Working Group on Land releases this policy brief to reiterate its commitment on the SDG indicator 1.4.2 for achieving global land tenure security. The policy brief clarifies the status of indicator 1.4.2 towards its implementation by countries, as well as informs how the Global Donor Working Group on Land is supporting the custodian agencies for this indicator (UN-Habitat and WB) to have it re-classified by the Inter-Agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators by October 2018.
Implementation of Responsible Land Governance
This publication outlines the process undertaken by UN Habitat/GLTN and The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Representation in Kenya to support the Ministry of Lands, Physical Planning and Urban Areas Management of the Turkana County Government-Kenya, in establishing a county Land Information Management System based on the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM). The project was carried out in the context of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) program entitled, Support for Responsible Land and Natural Resource Governance of Communal Lands in Kenya.
World Vision Netherlands
World Vision is amongst the largest, child focused, development NGO’s with 46,000 staff, working in 1650 communities reaching over 120 million people in nearly 100 countries. World Vision provides emergency assistance to children and families affected by disasters and conflict, unlocks the potential for communities to alleviate poverty, and advocates for justice on behalf of the poor.
World Vision Angola
Active in Angola since 1989, World Vision Angola is currently undergoing an emergency response to alleviate the deepening food security crisis and save the lives of malnourished children under 5 in South West Angola.
The recognition of the customary land rights: lessons from the Province of Bié in Angola
Effective recognition of customary land rights is still a challenge in Angola, as in many other African countries. Despite customary land rights of the traditional rural communities are expressly recognized in the 2004 National Land Law, very few communities in Angola have been able to register their land. In the Province of Bié, in Angola central highlands, only five customary collective land titles (called Dominio Util Consuetudinario) had been issued within the period 2004-2015.
Women’s land rights as a pathway to poverty reduction
Land is an important asset for rural households, and having secure land rights is important for poverty reduction. Despite the large body of literature on the relationship between land tenure security, livelihoods, and poverty, most of this literature is based on household-level data and does not consider possible intrahousehold inequalities in land ownership.
Global Water Initiative - Afrique de l'Ouest
La GWI en Afrique de l'Ouest est mise en œuvre par un consortium constitué par IIED et l'UICN, et travaille principalement dans cinq pays : le Burkina Faso, la Guinée, le Mali, le Niger et le Sénégal.
Le travail de la GWI en Afrique de l'Ouest est guidé par la vision et la mission de la GWI au niveau mondial. En effet, toutes les régions de la GWI s’efforcent d’engendrer un changement significatif par le biais d'un plaidoyer et d'initiatives politiques intégrés pour: