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Displaying 441 - 450 of 740NBR feels climate change impact as governor urges for integrated approach in resilience building
The governor of North Bank Region has reiterated that Climate Change is and continues to be a major economic, social & environmental problem and therefore called for aggressive and integrated approach in building local capacities on climate resilience in a bid to reduce the negative impact and phenomenon on the livelihood of the local population.
New Research: Only 17% of Global Climate and Conservation Funding Intended for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Actually Reaches Them
WASHINGTON DC (14 September, 2022)—Of the $270 million in conservation funding invested annually in the tenure and forest management initiatives of Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPs and LCs)—which is only a small fraction of the total funding dedicated to addressing climate change—only 17 percent went to activities that specifically named an IP or LC organization, according to “Funding with Purpose,” a new research report released today by Rainforest Foundation Norway and Rights and R
Vacancy: Governance Reform Expert
Formalization of the collective rights of native communities in Peru:
A brief on the formalization of the collective rights of native communities in Peru from the perspective of implementing officials
Agricultural investment at the crossroads in Cambodia:
Agricultural investment at the crossroads in Cambodia: Towards inclusion of smallholder farmers?
A Glimpse into Women’s Customary Forest Tenure Practices in Lao PDR:Lao Version
The case study explores the intersect between customary tenure systems and gender roles in two villages in Phongsali district in the north of Laos. The country has a diverse population of ethnic communities who depend on forests and other natural resources for their livelihoods. These communities play an important role for conserving complex landscapes. However, their traditional land tenure practices are insufficiently documented and therefore poorly understood, and even more so the gender relations in customary systems.
A Glimpse into Women’s Customary Forest Tenure Practices in Lao PDR
The case study explores the intersect between customary tenure systems and gender roles in two villages in Phongsali district in the north of Laos. The country has a diverse population of ethnic communities who depend on forests and other natural resources for their livelihoods. These communities play an important role for conserving complex landscapes. However, their traditional land tenure practices are insufficiently documented and therefore poorly understood, and even more so the gender relations in customary systems.
Model Law on Access to Information for Africa and other regional instruments:Soft law and human rights in Africa
The adoption in 2013 of the Model Law on Access to Information for Africa by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights is an important landmark in the increasing elaboration of human rights-related soft law standards in Africa. Although non-binding, the Model Law significantly influenced the access to information landscape on the continent. Since the adoption of the Model Law, the Commission adopted several General Comments. The AU similarly adopted Model Laws such as the African Union Model Law on Internally Displaced Persons in Addressing Internal Displacement in Africa.
“La tierra en Colombia no se usa para producir, se usa para especular”
Este miércoles en la sede de la Comisión de la Verdad se llevó a cabo el seminario ‘Despojo de tierras’, que contó con la participación de los expertos en el tema de tierras Darío Fajardo y Alejandro Reyes y el comisionado Alfredo Molano. En el seminario, se discutió y se aportaron luces sobre la crisis agraria que vive el país, la problemática que significa el despojo de tierras y las expectativas para los próximos años en el campo colombiano.