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Community Organizations National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System
National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System
National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System
Data aggregator

Focal point

Chris Baars
Phone number
+31 70 349 44 50


Den Haag
Zuid Holland
Working languages

National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System (NARCIS) is the main Dutch national portal for those looking for information about researchers and their work. NARCIS aggregates data from around 30 institutional repositories. Besides researchers, NARCIS is also used by students, journalists and people working in educational and government institutions as well as the business sector.


NARCIS provides access to scientific information, including (open access) publications from the repositories of all the Dutch universities, KNAW, NWO and a number of research institutes, datasets from some data archives as well as descriptions of research projects, researchers and research institutes.


This means that NARCIS cannot be used as an entry point to access complete overviews of publications of researchers (yet). However, there are more institutions that make all their scientific publications accessible via NARCIS. By doing so, it will become possible to create much more complete publication lists of researchers.


In 2004, the development of NARCIS started as a cooperation project of KNAW Research Information, NWO, VSNU and METIS, as part of the development of services within the DARE programme of SURFfoundation. This project resulted in the NARCIS portal, in which the DAREnet service was incorporated in January 2007. NARCIS has been part of DANS since 2011.


DANS - Data Archiving and Networked Services - is the Netherlands Institute for permanent access to digital research resources. DANS encourages researchers to make their digital research data and related outputs Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. 



Displaying 1021 - 1025 of 1863

Bringing farmers together

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2005
Afrique orientale

Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) have been used in many countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa as a way to deal with constraints such as crop pests, soil fertility depletion, health issues like HIV/AIDS and the communal management of natural resources. They often work in partnership with local NGOs or Government institutions to develop solutions to complex problems facing farmers. In Lukwanga parish, Wakiso District, FFSs have encouraged the creation of new institutions and led to the development of stronger and more cooperative relationships within the community.

Buitenlui: een aanzienlijke groep potentiële landschapsbeheerders

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2005

De daling van het aantal agrarische bedrijven roept de vraag op, wie het cultuurlandschap in de toekomst zal beheren. Want ruim tachtig procent van de vrijkomende agrarische bebouwing verandert van boerderij in woonhuis. In de praktijk vernadert daarmee ook het uiterlijk van het gebouw, van het erf en het landschap. De twaalf provinciale organisaties Landschapsbeheer willen deze nieuwe buitenlui gaan inforemeren en van advies dienen. Met financiële steun van LNV is een project opgestart om de nieuwe doelgroep te leren kennen.

Verstedelijking en landschap 1989-2000; berekende, waargenomen en verbeelde effecten van bebouwing

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2004

Nieuwe bebouwing tast de openheid van het landschap aan en verlaagt de belevingswaarde. Op basis van berekeningen en veldwaarnemeningen is vastgesteld dat het areaal aan zogenaamde ¿zeer open gebieden¿ tussen 1989 en 2000 met 4% is afgenomen. De toekomstige bedreiging is in hoge mate afhankelijk van de mate van spreiding. Bij 50% meer spreiding dan tussen 1989 en 2000 is het effect twee keer zo groot.