Focal point
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy. FAO is also a source of knowledge and information. We help developing countries and countries in transition modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices and ensure good nutrition for all. Since our founding in 1945, we have focused special attention on developing rural areas, home to 70 percent of the world's poor and hungry people.
Displaying 3261 - 3265 of 5074Técnicas de negociación y mediación para la ordenaciónde los recursos naturales
Esta guía conceptual es el fruto de un largo proceso y no hubiera sido posible sin la contribución demuchas personas.La guía fué elaborada en el marco del Programa de Apoyo a los Medios de Subsistencia de la FAO(PAMS), y financiada por el Departamento para el Desarrollo Internacional del Reino Unido (DFID).La guía se basa en materiales de capacitación publicados anteriormente por el Servicio de Políticase Instituciones Forestales (FONP) de la FAO en materia de gestión comunitaria de conflictos sobrelos recursos forestales, los cuales fueron ensayados en el terreno en Ghana por parte del Pro
Improving Tenure Security for the Poor in Africa
The first of 7 Working Papers presented at an FAO regional technical workshop for sub-Saharan Africa on legal empowerment of the poor (LEP) in Nakuru, Kenya, in October 2006. Divided into 7 issues: land markets, individualised land tenure, and land titling; pluralism; informal settlements in urban and peri-urban areas; gender; decentralisation and institutional development; pastoralism; dispute settlement. Each issue is examined through four dimensions: the international, the colonial, the national, and the social.
Improving Tenure Security for the Rural Poor Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda Country Case Study
Sub-title is Formalization and its Prospects. Has 3 main chapters: background and context; tenure security for the poor in East Africa – the issues; formalization is not new in East Africa; conclusions and recommendations.
Better land access for the rural poor. Lessons from experience and challenges ahead
Main chapters cover access to land and poverty reduction, land redistribution, and securing land rights. The last includes the role of land markets, women’s land rights, securing local resource rights in foreign investment projects, protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and pastoralists, conflicts.
GA 2006 (61st Session): Report by the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar (English)
In the past two years, the reform process proposed in the “seven-point road map
for national reconciliation and democratic transition”, which was meant to become
eventually open to various relevant actors, has been strictly limited and delineated.
As a result, the political space has been redefined in narrower terms. In addition,
obstructions in the past couple of years have held back the pace and inclusive nature
of the reforms which were required for democratization. The work of the National