Focal point
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy. FAO is also a source of knowledge and information. We help developing countries and countries in transition modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices and ensure good nutrition for all. Since our founding in 1945, we have focused special attention on developing rural areas, home to 70 percent of the world's poor and hungry people.
Displaying 3101 - 3105 of 5074Tigerpaper/Forest News
A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.
Le droit à l’alimentation et l’accès aux ressources naturelles
Aujourd’hui, on invoque les droits humains et les principes qui les sous-tendent pour appuyer les revendications concernant l’accès aux ressources, car les approches fondées sur les droits donnent aux individus ou aux groupes les moyens d’obtenir ou de conserver un accès aux ressources naturelles. Ce document aborde le droit à l’alimentation et l’accès aux ressources naturelles en ce qui concerne les dispositions des Directives sur le droit à l’alimentation, les violations et les obligations de l’État.
Buena gobernanza en la tenencia y la administración de tierras
Los Estudios de la FAO sobre tenencia de la tierra son publicaciones concisas sobre el tema, a menudo complejo y polémico, de la tenencia de la tierra especialmente en relación con la seguridad alimentaria, la mitigación de la pobreza y el desarrollo rural. Los Estudios no pretenden ser exhaustivos sino reflejar las «buenas prácticas» identificadas por la FAO y muchos de sus colaboradores internacionales en relación con determinados aspectos particulares de la tenencia de la tierra y de su administración.
Information and communication technologies benefit fishing communities. Policies to support improved communications for development - SFLP
The aim of this policy brief is to: Show how new information and communications technologies (ICTs) can link with established methods to enhance opportunities for development Review the uses and potential impact of existing and emerging information and communications technologies in fisheries and fishing communities Suggest policy strategies and partnerships to encourage access to and usage of ICT for fisheries management and for livelihood support and poverty reduction
Fire management – global assessment 2006
Fire management is an essential part of sustainable forest management. This publication complements the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005 (FRA 2005) as an in-depth thematic study on the incidence, impact and management of forest fires in different regions of the world. It was developed from 12 regional papers prepared within the framework of the Global Wildland Fire Network of the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction.