An assessment of policies, institutions and regulations for water harvesting, solar energy, and groundwater in Jordan
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Date of publication
Février 2018
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This report constitutes part of the project GCP/JOR/018/SWI: “Reduce vulnerability in Jordan
in the context of water scarcity and increasing food/energy demand” project, funded by theSwiss Agency for Development and Corporation (SDC).The objective of this report is to address project output 4: “Prepared appropriate long-termpolicy, regulatory and institutional frameworks to facilitate the adoption and scale-up of thethree-pronged approach and integrate it within national food-water-energy related policies/strategies and programmes”, activity 1: “Review and evaluate previous strategies related toindividual components of three-pronged approach in the region”.The report constitutes a review of the key institutional actors, regulatory frameworks andpolicies in the water harvesting, solar energy and ground water sectors, and an analysis of thecorresponding policy and institutional gaps.Geographical focus