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Community Organizations Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Sida is a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world. Through our work and in cooperation with others, we contribute to implementing Sweden’s Policy for Global Development (PGU).

We work in order to implement the Swedish development policy that will enable poor people to improve their lives. Another part of our mission is conducting reform cooperation with Eastern Europe, which is financed through a specific appropriation. The third part of our assignment is to distribute humanitarian aid to people in need of assistance.

We carry out enhanced development cooperation with a total of 33 countries  in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Our selection of cooperation countries are based on political decisions made by the Swedish government.

Sida’s mission is to allocate aid and other funding. Our operations are managed by the government’s guidelines, describing the goals for each year’s operations and the size of the development aid budget.

Our staff members and their expertise assist the government with the assessments and the information it needs, in order to decide and implement its development assistance policy. We participate in the advocacy work for Sweden’s prioritised issues within the international development cooperation field, and we are in constant dialogue with other countries and international organisations. Part of our assignment is also to report statistics and disseminate information about our operations.

Our work is financed by tax money and we administer approximately half of Sweden’s total development aid budget. The other part is channelled through the ministry for Foreign Affairs. All our work should be performed in a cost-effective way with a strong focus on results.

Sida has more than 700 employees, located in our three offices  in Sweden as well as abroad in our cooperation countries.



Displaying 256 - 260 of 274

OKACOM 2014-2017; OKACOM 5-year plan institutional and organizational capacity


Support to Okavanago Basin Commission (OKACOM) for part of their five year plan and capacity support to the secretariat. Expected results: i)strengthened secretariat in administration, knowledge management, policy analysis and programme coordination, and ii)a joint decision-making and management framework established within livelihoods, water and land management, environment, biodiversity.

We Effect, 2019-2021, Sustainable Cotton for Women & Youth Empowerment, Pt. 1


We Effect has applied for support from Sida for the implementation of the regional development project "Sustainable Cotton for Women and Youth Empowerment in Southern Africa" (Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbawe). With reference to the Strategy for Sweden's Regional Development Cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa 2016-2021 and the prioritized strategy objective "Improved conditions, especially for women and young people, for productive employment with decent working conditions", Sida will make a decision to finance the first phase of the project (2019-2021) with a budget of SEK 28,150,000. The plan is to finance also the final years of the project (Phase 2) via a later decision on support for 2022 and 2023 of SEK 16,850,000. The total budget for the four-year intervention is SEK 45,000,000. The specific project objective is women, men and youth cotton farmers have increased incomes and sustainable livelihoods in targeted communities in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe through the creation of 55,000 decent jobs (of which at least 50% are women). It is expected that this goal be achieved through strengthened capacity of partner organizations and ginning companies to implement a certified cotton standard scheme and create decent jobs for women and youth; improved volume of certified seed cotton/lint and cotton value addition products supplied by smallholder women and youth cotton farmers entering local, regional and international markets; and targeted women and youth smallholder cotton farmers have increased resilience to climate change through the adoption of sustainable agricultural land management practices. The project begins with a six-month inception phase during which several studies are carried out in order to design and plan the project in detail including studies on cotton certification and market analysis, environment and social impact, conflict sensitivity approach, gender and power analysis, and on detecting constraints affecting women and youth smallholder cotton farmers. The studies form the basis for the final design of the project implementation phase. The project is implemented by We Effect in close cooperation with identified regional and national cotton producer organizations who, through advocacy, promote improved political conditions for environmentally and economically sustainable cotton production and increased trade. Sida will enter into an agreement with We Effect who in turn will forward funds to Eastern and Southern African Cotton Organization (ESACO).


The project objective is women, men and youth cotton farmers have increased incomes and sustainable livelihoods in targeted communities in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe through the creation of 55,000 decent jobs.

CILAP Land Administration, Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration


The Sweden financed CILAP, Capacity Building in Land Administration, project has as its main activities to strengthen the land administration organizations, development of legislation, develop the geodetic infrastructure, building an address register, sales price register (as the first systematic steps towards land and property valuation) and support to ICT, and support to digital archive. After 6 years of implementation the project is ending is December 2019. CILAP was independently evaluated in 2018 by NIRAS. The evaluation concludes that overall the CILAP project has succeeded in building capacity and transfer knowledge with the overall objective to increase the effectiveness and reliability of land administration processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina in line with Swedish strategies and policies, needs and priorities of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The evaluation recommended a phase out plan to be elaborated by the project team. In June 2019, the project partners submitted a phase out plan which will last from January 2020-December 2022. The budget amount to a maximum of 12 000 000 SEK. In addition, the partners will contribute at least 10 000 000 of in-kind costs during this period. The Embassy concluded that the plan is relevant and feasible and should be approved.


The CILAP, supported by the Sida, has been established as a long-term project with an overall goal to contribute to increasing of the effectiveness and reliability of land administration sector in BiH. The project progress and implementation results were reviewed during implementation period by the external evaluation. A final review of project results was done in November 2018 and the project is considered as successful. The Project is at the final implementation stage and the Federal Administration forGeodetic and Real Property Affairs (FGA) and Republic Authority for Geodetic and RealProperty Affairs (RGA) with the support of the project team developed the documentProposal for the CILAP Phasing out 2020 2021, optionally 2022 dated April 2019. The phasing out of CILAP project activities will be conducted in the period 2020 2021, in order to ensure sustainability of achieved results by creating a firm foundation for smooth takeover of products by both Geodetic Authorities (GA) in BH. The project objectives during the phasing out phase remains the same, but the main intention will be to make project accomplishments strongly anchored and viable within the FGA and RGA. The project contributes to the expected long- term impact:- By efficient land administration contribute to economic and social development, sustainable market and usage of real estates, and BH accession to EU.The capacity development focus of the project is expected to lead to sustainable changes in practices among the project partners RGA and FGA. The project main goal remains:- Make the Land Administration system more efficient, secure and reliable.Mutual conclusion is that the project has succeeded to fulfil the main goal, and an effort during the phasing out will be focused on the assurance of results sustainability. The detail analysis of achievements and risks within the all project components has enabled the project partners to define needs and priorities. It showed that the GA have managed to build sufficient capacity to successfully implement future activities regarding the establishment of digital archive, its integration in the business processes and usage in daily operations but need further support within the other project areas. The part of activities, previously supported within the independent ICT component, will be incorporated in the suggested component devoted to the organizational strengthening and institutional capacity building. Thus, the phasing out will continue with the similar structure as the ongoing project with the focus on the activities that will create needed outputs for assurance of project results sustainability. CILAP phasing out 2020 2021 will contain four (4) components: 1. Support to the continuous organizational strengthening, institutionalization and intensified collaboration with stakeholders to make the programme sustainable beyond 2021 2. Support to the continuous establishment, interoperability and sustainability of Address Register, 3. Support to the Sales Price Register maintenance and strengthening of institutional cooperation with Tax authorities,4. Support to the improvement of geodetic infrastructure in line with EU norms and standards. Note: District Brcko is included in all activities under the component 4 and supported by the project funds. The phasing out document has been reinforced with a primarily focus on results sustainability where the linkages between the inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and indicators for each component have been further clarified and revised in order to better capture a sustainability dimension of CILAP work, including work related to gender equality, integrity and environment. The expected outcomes:• GA are founded on results-based management, clear procedures to implement, follow up and maintain achieved results to enable the sustainability of developed capacity, products, services with improved cooperation and shared responsibility with land administration stakeholders • GA in BH are recognized and supported by respective governments as leaders in reform of land administration sector and important part of e-governance. GA contribute to the human rights, democracy and poverty reduction through mainstreaming of gender, integrity and environmental protection issues• Procedures for the establishment and maintenance of AR are clearly defined, documented and available to municipalities. Increased coverage of correct and updated AR. AR data is interoperable, publicly available and used in business processes of stakeholders• Sales Price Register data is used for implementation of pilot projects in order to develop a basis for policy making, strategic and methodology planning related to mass valuation and property tax reform in cooperation with direct stakeholders (GA, Tax Authorities and Ministries of Finance)• More accurate, reliable and fast survey (including heights) in real time for cadastral, engineering and environmental purposes based on interoperability with EU and international reference systems. End.

FAO - Food Security, Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation in Dry Corridor JP


The program aims to improve food and nutritional security for families and communities in 7 micro-watersheds of Jalapa and Chiquimula in the Dry Corridor of Guatemala, through the improvement of sustainable use of natural resources (forest, soil), integrated water management and increased resilience capacities for climate change adaptation. The implementation includes promoting and improving governance, gender equality and water security with special emphasis in women and children. The indigenous groups in the area are Ch´ortí´ in Chiquimula and Pocomán in Jalapa. FAO will be the lead agency, working in coordination in field with UNICEF, UNDP and WHO. The Dry corridor is a portion of land in Guatemala affected by reduced precipitation, weak soil and low yields located at the rural area. The program. At the end of the intervention the joint program is expected to: 1. Improve communitarian food systems, food and nutritional security, biodiversity, resilience and climate change adaptation through strengthened knowledge in agriculture good practices, nutrition, sustainable use and management of natural resources and the promotion of gender equality. 2. Families, community organizations strengthened as right holders and Municipalities with improved capacities as public servants and duty bearers to jointly identify needs to plan gray and green water infrastructure for water management, health, land use planning, municipal development plans and disaster risk prevention to improve food availability/production, food security, resilience, climate change adaptation and women participation and decision making. 3. Strengthened capacities at ministries and municipal officials, members of the development councils, food security and nutrition commissions and National Coordinator for risk disaster prevention - CONRED coordinators, to perform their legal responsibilities as duty bearers, activate public policy in territories and improve dialogue with right holders to design and present investment proposals for development councils for food security and nutrition, water security, climate change adaptation and resilience.


The program aims to improve the food security and nutrition of families and communities in 7 micro-watersheds of Jalapa and Chiquimula in the Dry Corridor of Guatemala. The improvements will be achieved through the promotion of sustainable use of natural resources (water, forest, and soil), integrated water management and increased resilience capacities for climate change adaptation. The implementation includes the promotion and improvement of local governance, gender equality and water security with special emphasis in women and children. The indigenous groups in the area are Ch´ortí´ in Chiquimula and Pocomán in Jalapa. FAO is lead agency, working in coordination in field with UNICEF, UNDP and WHO.

Mali Local Democratic Governance phase 3


Four INGOs led by Diakonia have submitted an application for the development intervention “Local Democratic Governance” (LDG), phase 3 in Mali during the period 2014-2017. The overall development intervention cost is approximately 76 MSEK. The intervention aims to improve inclusiveness and accountability of land governance and prevent conflict linked to land management in Mali. This will be achieved through the implementation of four components with the following results: 1) Improved performance of local land management arrangements; 2) Improved ownership of local government authorities in land and natural resources management; 3) Improved the performance of citizen control for accountability between stakeholders involved in land and natural resources management; 4) Improved sustainable use of agricultural land and other natural resources (forests, grazing, water). The four INGOs i.e Diakonia, Norwegian Church Aid, SNV and Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation will implement the intervention together with local Civil Society Organisations. The intervention is supported solely by Sweden and it is planned that the four INGOs will forward funds to their local partners.


1) Improved performance of local land management arrangements; 2) Improved ownership of local government authorities in land and natural resources management; 3) Improved the performance of citizen control for accountability among stakeholders involved in land and natural resources management; 4) Improved sustainable use of agricultural land and other natural resources (forests, grazing, water).