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Showing items 69301 through 69309 of 73534.This Instruction deals with the criteria for the granting of leases for pastures and meadows by local authorities and lays down rules for the use of such agricultural land by leaseholders.
Cette décision autorise la mise en circulation du passeport pour le bétail et du certificat international de transhumance et fixe les modalités d'utilisation. Les modèles du passeport pour le bétail et du certificat international sont annexés à la présente décision.
The Ministry of Finance now issues guidelines for provision of credits from the State for programmes and projects for use of bare land, degraded hills, forests, alluvial flats, and water bodies within the framework of Decision 327-CT and according to duly approved annual plans: Funds from the Sta
These instructions of the Minister to various land affairs offices throughout Indonesia seeks to accelerate the procedures of registration of transfer of rights over land. It gives precise guidelines on how to handle applications for registration.
The Convention shall cover the Alpine region, as described in the Annex. The Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures among others on population and culture, regional planning, prevention of air pollution, soil conservation and water management.
El Decreto, que consta de 2 artículos, amplia el plazo de vigencia del Proyecto Especial de Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT), hasta el 31 de diciembre del 2001.
Interim guidelines and standards relate to six areas of environmental pollution control are issued by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA).
Section 21 concerns the enforcement of planning control by the Authority. An enforcement notice may be issued by the Authority in the case of illegal development.
Mediante el presente Decreto se reforman los artículos 2º; 5º fracciones XI, XIX, XX y XXIII; 7º fracciones XIII y XIX; 9º; 11 fracciones XXII y XXIII; 12 fracción XV; 13; 16; 19; capítulo VII; 21; 22; capítulo VIII; 23; 24 en su encabezado y la fracción IV; 25 en su encabezado y la fracción I, y
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