Ministerial Decree No. 114 validating the Regulation on inventory of public land fund.
ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 3 марта 2014 года № 114 О проведении инвентаризации земельного фонда Кыргызской Республики.
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This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of conducting inventory of public land fund with a view of ensuring reliability of land survey and mapping data with the insertion of modifications and changes in land areas, distribution of land by categories irrespectively of the form of ownership. All land areas within the national boundaries of the Kyrgyz Republic, constituting national land fund, shall be subject to inventory. State land institution “Kyrgyzgiprozem” shall be authorized to conduct the aforesaid inventory that shall include information on availability of land, location, land area, boundaries and number of land areas (plots), and land categories.