Regional Law No. 447-OZ “On limits (minimum and maximum) of public and municipal land plots that can be allotted to citizens in ownership”.
Закон Магаданской области от 21 апреля 2004 г. N 447-ОЗ "О предельных (минимальных и максимальных) размерах земельных участков, предоставляемых гражданам в собственность из находящихся в государственной или муниципальной собственности земель" (с...
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This Regional Law establishes minimum and maximum land areas out of stock of public and municipal land allotted to citizens in ownership. Land parcels shall be allotted to citizens for peasant farming, subsistence farming. individual housing construction, gardening, horticulture and stockbreeding. Decision on allotment of land parcels shall be made by the Regional Administration and local government within their competence. Maximum land areas of land plots allotted to citizens free of charge shall be established in accordance with legislative acts validated by the local government.