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This Law, composed of four Chapters divided into 83 articles, regulates the Programme “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” on regularization of urban settlements. It aims to support municipalities in building new houses in order to help families to get one, giving priority to people living within informal settlements of urban areas. The Law pays special attention to sustainable urban projects and it also defines criteria to evaluate them.
Amended by: Law No. 12.424 amending the Programme “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” on land regularization in urban settlements. (2011-06-16)
Amended by: Decree No. 7.499 regulating Law No. 11.977 on the Programme “Minha Casa, Minha Vida”. (2011-06-16)
Amended by: Decree No. 7.795 amending provisions of Law No. 11.977 on the Programme “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” PMCMV. (2012-08-24)
Amends: Law No. 10.257 on Urban Policy. (2001-07-10)