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The 2011 Global Food Policy Report is a new annual IFPRI publication that provides a comprehensive, research-based analysis of major food policy challenges at the global, regional, national, and local levels. It highlights important developments and events in food policy that occurred in 2011, discusses lessons learned, offers policy recommendations, presents IFPRI’s food policy tools and indicators, and takes a look forward into 2012. The Report reflects perspectives from across the globe. Its nine chapters, written by IFPRI researchers and other food policy experts, provide state-of-the-art analysis on such crucial topics as:
- food price levels and volatility
- natural and human-caused disasters
- climate change
- biofuels
- the links between agriculture and nutrition, health, water, and energy
- sustainable land management
- regional developments
- new players in global food policy
The Report features numerous tables, figures, infographics, and maps, as well as a collection of stakeholders’ thoughts on what influenced food policy in 2011.