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Displaying 1765 - 1776 of 2609

This Decree, composed of 2 articles, establishes the administrative borders of native people’s Deni group, located in Deni land, in the Municipalities of Itamarati and Tapauá, Amazones State. This administrative zoning has been promoted by the National Indio Fountation, FUNAI, in compliance with…


This Decree, composed of 2 articles, establishes the administrative borders of native people’s Diahui group, located in Diahui land, in the Municipality of Humaitá, Amazones State. This administrative zoning has been promoted by the National Indio Fountation, FUNAI, in compliance with Act No. 6.…


This Decree, composed of 2 articles, establishes the administrative borders of native people’s Krikati e Guajajara groups, located in Krikati land, in the Municipalities of Amarante do Maranhão, Lajeado Novo, Montes Altos and Sítio Novo, in Maranhão State. This administrative zoning has been…


This Decree, composed of 2 articles, establishes the administrative borders of native people’s Mura group, located in Paraná do Arauató land, in the Municipality of Itacoatiara, Amazones State. This administrative zoning has been promoted by the National Indio Fountation, FUNAI, in compliance…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties: "Fazenda Várzea Grande", in the Municipality of Bom Jesus da Lapa, Bahia State; "Fazenda Pedra Grande", in the Municipality of Lagedo do…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties: "Fazenda Soledade", in the Municipality of Monte Santo, Bahia State; "Fazenda Sossego I", in the Municipality of Santa Luzia, Bahia State…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the rural property"Fazenda e Castanhal Cabaceiras", located in the Municipality of Marabá, Pará State. The Decree establishes the competence of the National Institute for the…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the rural property "Fazenda Bordolândia", located in the Municipalities of Bom Jesus do Araguaia and Serra Nova Dourada, Mato Grosso State. The Decree establishes the competence…


Por el presente Decreto queda aprobada la reglamentación de la Ley provincial Nº 1.354, relativa a la prevención y lucha contra incendios en zonas rurales. La reglamentación está contenida en el anexo adjunto, el cual se compone de los siguientes capítulos: (I) Del servicio de lucha contra…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties: "Fazenda Piscamba", in the Municipality of Cristalina, Goiás State; "Fazenda Santa Maria", in the Municipality of Mara Rosa, Goiás State…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties in Mato Grosso State: "Fazenda Santo Antônio", in the Municipality of Nova Maringá; "Fazenda Santo Antônio I", in the Municipality of Nova…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties in Tocantins State:"Fazenda Marília", in the Municipality of Colméia; "Fazenda Jatobá", in the Municipality of Cristalândia; "…