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Peer-reviewed publication
Novembre 2016

Case studies of social-ecological landscapes that consider local, spatially explicit land cover changes are necessary for the development of generalised knowledge on deforestation. This study focussed on two indigenous territories of eastern Panama that share the same settlement history, size…

Novembre 2016

La presente Resolución, considerando que entre las funciones de la Dirección General de Normas y Tecnología Industrial (DGNTI) está el de reconocer a los comités sectoriales de normalización que lo soliciten y presten asistencia técnica, reconoce el Comité Sectorial de Normalización de…

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre 2016

This publication was prepared for ‘Income for coastal communities for mangrove protection’ project (2015-2016) which aimed to develop a low-cost mechanism enabling investors to responsibly promote mangrove conservation, carbon emissions reduction and sustainable development through the provision…

Reports & Research
Octobre 2016

Les forêts représentent bien plus que des arbres: elles sont fondamentales pour la sécurité alimentaire et l'amélioration des moyens d’existence. Lorsqu’elles sont gérées dans une optique durable, les forêts peuvent renforcer la résilience des communautés en fournissant des services…

Août 2016

La presente Ley establece el ejercicio del derecho a la consulta y consentimiento previo, libre e informado a los pueblos indígenas, cada vez que se prevean medidas legislativas y administrativas que afecten sus derechos colectivos, entendiendo como estos sus tierras, territorios, recursos,…

Journal Articles & Books
Juillet 2016

The seventh session of the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) was held in Panama City, Panama on 7-8 November 2015. The Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) hosted the session at the venue of its sixty-eight annual conference. The…

Journal Articles & Books
Juin 2016

The purpose of the forum was to foster a mutual understanding of the challenges faced by different groups in fisheries communities and to find common ground and options for empowering fishers and fisheries stakeholders. The 140 participants from 38 countries discussed the importance of tenure…

Reports & Research
Mai 2016

"Enhancing country capacity for UNFCCC reporting processes for the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use sector: Costa Rica" summarizes the support provided by FAO between 2013 and 2016 to the government of Costa Rica, through the Monitoring and Assessment of Greenhouse Gas…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2015

Full and effective participation of indigenous peoples and local communities, and high accuracy estimates are two current requirements for the purposes of monitoring forests at international level. We produced two land cover maps, both of which were based on digital image processing (decision…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2015

We conducted nocturnal surveys in the insular and coastal areas of Coiba National Park (CNP) and its mainland buffer zone in Panama (Chiriquí conservation site) from 2009–2012 to determine the conservation status of Crocodylus acutus. In 99 nights, we surveyed 147.2 km and captured 185…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2015

Meeting symbol/code: FO:LACFC/2015/3
Session: Sess. 29

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 2015

La Conferencia de Desarrollo Sostenible de Naciones Unidas de 2012 (Río+20) destacó la urgencia de enfrentar uno de los retos más urgentes y, a la vez, más complejos del paradigma del desarrollo sustentable: la conciliación entre la producción de alimentos, la seguridad alimentaria y la…