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Le présent décret modifie certaines dispositions du livre VI du code de l'urbanisme applicables au contentieux de l’urbanisme.

International Conventions or Treaties

The Contracting Parties shall promote the cooperation in the field of spatial planning, land use planning and regional policy. Article 1 establishes that to this end a Joint Commission shall be formed being responsible for suggestions and recommendations in the subject-matter. The text consists…

International Conventions or Treaties

An Agreement between between the Federal Government of the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Albania on bilateral economic relations. The Contracting Parties shall develop economic bilateral cooperation for their mutual benefit in the following fields: agriculture and forestry, food…

International Conventions or Treaties

An Agreement between between the Federal Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the Libyan Arab Republic on economic, scientific and technical cooperation. The Contracting Parties shall develop economic, scientific and technical co-operation for their mutual benefit. This…

International Conventions or Treaties

The Contracting Parties have agreed to establish a Joint Commission responsible for issues on land use planning, especially in border areas. The Commission shall elaborate related suggestions and recommendations. The text consists of 8 articles.


Le présent décret abroge le décret n° 2004-762 du 28 juillet 2004 relatif aux opérations de protection de l’environnement dans les espaces ruraux et en codifie certaines dispositions.Dans chaque département, le préfet détermine les zones dans lesquelles une opération de protection de l'…


La loi n° 86-2 du 3 janvier 1986 relative à l’aménagement, la protection et la mise en valeur du littoral (dite « loi littoral ») prévoit que le secrétariat général du Conseil national de la mer et des littoraux (CNML) est assuré par le délégué interministériel au développement durable,…

International Conventions or Treaties

At the request of the Government of Rwanda, the Republic of Austria and the Swiss Confederation shall give Rwanda technical assistance in the form of experts and materials for their Geological Survey Service. The text consists of 4 articles and 2 Annexes laying down framework guidelines of the…

International Conventions or Treaties

Considering that a close cooperation between Austria and Czechoslovakia would be of great advantage for both countries and particular in cases where deposits of mineral raw materials occur, the Contracting Parties shall give each other mutual assistance in the field of geology. Article 1…


The present Ordinance is made under the Federal Soil Protection Act of 17 March 1998 (BGBl. I p. 502) and the Baden-Wuerttemberg Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Law of 14 December 2004. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to experts and examining bodies for soil…


The present Ordinance implements the Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment. The text, consisting of 15 articles, deals with the following aspects: tasks of land use…


The present Law lays down provisions relating to land use planning in Carinthia. The Municipal Council is required to adopt a Land Use Zoning Plan which divides the entire municipality into building land, grass land and traffic area taking into consideration the local development plan and the…