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Conflict, forced displacement and health in Sri Lanka: a review of the research landscape

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Octobre, 2014
Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has recently emerged from nearly three decades of protracted conflict, which came to an end five years ago in 2009. A number of researchers have explored the devastating effect the conflict has had on public health, and its impact on Sri Lanka’s health system - hailed as a success story in the South Asian region.

National Conference on Emerging Land Issues in Kenyan Agriculture and their Implications for Food Policy and Institutional Reforms

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2014

For a long time sub-Saharan Africa has been considered to have abundant and underutilized land than any other continent. On the contrary, recent studies show that many rural Africans live in increasingly densely populated areas where all arable land is allocated or under cultivation. This has led to a long-term decline in farm size and reduced fallows.

Mediating Forest Conflicts in Southeast Asia: Getting the Positives out of Conflicts over Forests and Land

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Février, 2014
South-Eastern Asia

The high incidence of forest conflict in Southeast Asia underscores the need for conflict-transformation tools to maximize the positive impacts and reduce potential damage. Mediation is considered one of the most effective approaches in transforming conflict over natural resources.