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Malawi National Land Policy.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Janvier, 2002

The goal of the National Land Policy in Malawi is to ensure tenure security and equitable access to land, to facilitate the attainment of social harmony and broad based social and economic development through optimum and ecologically balanced use of land and land based resources.A number of specific land policy objectives have to be satisfied in order to achieve the overall goal, particularly:

Women and Land in Zambia

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2001

The paper shows that most women in Zambia and especially in the study area suffer from insecurity in land since they do not have secure title to land under customary tenure.

Gender, water and poverty: key issues, government commitments and actions for sustainable development

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2001

Overview of the relationship between gender, poverty and water. The first section explores how, in every corner of the globe, women play a central role in managing water supply and distribution. It also examines how access to water and sanitation has implications for women’s health and economic activities.

Communities protecting water

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2001

The Kumasi peri-urban area is characterised by high rates of conversion of agricultural land to private housing. Kumasi, Ghana, is also situated across a major drainage divide, resulting in a range of water quality and supply problems.

Land tenure and rural development

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2001

The purpose of this guide is to provide support to those who are assessing and designing appropriate responses to food insecurity and rural development situations. This guide aims to show where and why land tenure is an important issue in food security and sustainable rural livelihoods.

Gender and soil fertility in Uganda: a comparison of soil fertility indicators on women’s and men’s agricultural plots

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2001
Afrique sub-saharienne

The study was conducted to determine whether the gender difference in wealth and land allocation between male and female farmers in male-headed households is manifested in soil fertility indicators. It determined chemical fertility levels (fertility indicators) in the composite topsoil samples from 5 woman-owned plots and 5 man-owned plots in Ntanzi village, Uganda, on a Rhodic Ferralsol.

Women and Land Rights in Ethiopia: A Comparative Study of Two Communities in Tigray and Oromiya Regional States

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Décembre, 2001
Afrique australe
Afrique orientale

While the majority of women in Sub-Saharan Africa and particularly Eastern Africa provide a living for their families on land, they largely do not own it. This comprises one part of a study on women and land in five countries in Eastern Africa - and was commissioned by the Eastern African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women (EASSI).

Are we not Peasants too? Land Rights and Women's Claims in India

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Décembre, 2001
Asie central
Asie méridionale

Do women have effective land rights in practice? Research and policy have only recently begun to engage with the need for women to have independent rights to fields of their own. What needs to be done? Four areas for action are identified with associated strategies: improve women's claims on private land (e. g. through gender equal inheritance laws); improve women's access to public land (e.g.

Gender profile: Peru

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2001
Amérique centrale
Amérique du Sud

What is the condition of women in Peru? This gender profile by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) offers a statistical overview of the condition of urban and rural women with respect to unemployment, status in the workplace, life expectancy and working and living conditions. Poverty is an ongoing concern and half the population continues to subsist below the poverty line.

Land, trees, and women

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2001
Afrique occidentale
Asia du sud-est

This research report examines three questions that are central to IFPRI research: How do property-rights institutions affect efficiency and equity? How are resources allocated within households? Why does this matter from a policy perspective?

Género y tenencia de la tierra en el ejido mexicano: ¿la costumbre o la ley del Estado?

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2001

¿Qué derechos tienen las mujeres rurales al recurso tierra? Estos derechos, ¿son definidos por el Estado o por los usos y costumbres de la comunidad? ¿Qué papel ha jugado la legislación agraria para garantizar el derecho de las mujeres a la tierra? ¿Cuáles son los factores más determinantes (legales o de otro tipo) en el acceso de las mujeres a este recurso?