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Climate Variability, Land Ownership and Migration: Evidence From Thailand About Gender Impacts

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

Scholars point to climate change, often in the form of more frequent and severe drought, as a potential driver of migration in the developing world, particularly for places where populations rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. To date, however, there have been few large-scale, longitudinal studies that explore the relationship between climate change and migration.

Joint land certification, gendered preferences, and land-related decisions : are wives getting more involved?

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Décembre, 2014

We have investigated whether joint land certification in Southern Ethiopia has contributed to a strengthening of the perceived land rights of women and an increase in their intra-household involvement in land-related decisions.

Property Grabbing from Ugandan Widows and the Justice System

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Décembre, 2014

In a first study of this kind, International Justice Mission has used mixed methods assessment to portray the depth of widow and orphan property grabbing problem and lack of justice system response in Mukono County, Uganda. The report demonstrates that nearly a third of widows have experienced land grabbing with virtually no criminal justice system response.

Gender equality and land administration

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Novembre, 2014

Land, and in particular agricultural land, is central to livelhoods in rural Zambia. Zambia is characterised by a dual legal system of customary and statutory law and by dual land tenure, with state land and customary land. A first wave of socialist-oriented reforms took place after independence in 1964, which abolished previously existing freehold land in favour of leasehold.

Igualdade de género e participação comunitária no processo de tomada de decisões na atribuição de DUAT

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Novembre, 2014

A mulher em Moçambique é a principal utilizadora da terra, geradora de renda e veículo de disseminação de valores e educação na família”. Por isso, a sua participação na gestão e administração da terra e outros recursos naturais mostra se imprescindível.

Acesso à informação Sobre Industria Extractiva em Moçambique

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Novembre, 2014

Com  o  frenesim  da  indústria  extractiva  em  Moçambique,  ficou  instalada  a  percepção  generalizada  de que,  tirando  as  empresas  extractivas,  todas  as  outras  partes  interessadas  (incluindo  o  governo) possuem  conhecimento  bastante  limitado  sobre  os  contornos  da  pesquisa,  prospecção,  exploração  e comercialização  dos  recursos  extractivos  do  paí

What is the Legal Assessment Tool (LAT) for gender-equitable land tenure ?

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2014

The Legal Assessment Tool (LAT) for gender-equitable land tenure was developed by FAO’s

Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD) for the purpose of providing prompt, targeted and

effective policy advice and capacity development to FAO’s Member countries working towards

gender-equitable land tenure.

Gender & Land – Implications for Sustainable Development A working paper for development practitioners

LandLibrary Resource
Novembre, 2014

Less than 2% of the land available worldwide is owned by women. Why is the issue of land so gendered? What approaches and lessons learned can development professionals utilise to address the issue of gender and land? Data demonstrates a glaring gender gap in land holdings in all regions of the world. This is regardless of the fact that women produce 60% to 80% of food in developing countries.