Linking livestock and natural resource management
The Borana people are the predominant ethnic group on the Borana plateau in southern Ethiopia. Though traditionally transhumant pastoralists, they have recently increased their reliance on crops. Rainfall in the region averages between 353 and 873 mm; variability is high, with coefficients of variation ranging from 0.21 to 0.68.
Live vaccines for Theileria parva: deployment in eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Proceedings of an FAO/OAU-IBAR/ILRI workshop
The aim of this workshop was to consider methods of immunisation against East Coast Fever (ECF) and other forms of T. parva infection using the infection and treatment method or infection without treatment, and to identify needs for further research to improve vaccine quality and suitability; to consider present and future demands for T.
Self-governance and forest resources
Forest resources share attributes with many other resource systems that make difficult their governance and management in a sustainable, efficient and equitable manner. Destruction or degradation of forest resources is most likely to occur in open-access forests where those involved, or external authorities, have not established effective governance.
Sistemas agropastoriles en sabanas tropicales de América Latina
Smallholder dairying in the tropics
System prototyping and simulation modelling in mixed farming systems
A project proposal whose aim is to promote more appropriate resource management on smallholder crop-livestock farms in East Africa is described. Prototypes of mixed farming systems will be developed to characterise farming systems according to their management objectives.
The economics of optimal health and productivity in smallholder livestock systems in developing countries
Livestock kept or produced in smallholder farming systems are an important component of the agricultural economy in the developing world.
Conservation, Management and Utilization of Plant Gums, Resins, and Essential Oils: Proceedings of a Regional conference for Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya 6 - 10 October 1997
Report of the Third PRA Workshop on Range Rehabilitation and Establishment of a Wildlife Reserve: Group Formation and Management, Conflict Resolution and Decision Making
Integrated Watershed Development Project in Mihassa
This report summarizes the results obtained during 1998/99 season related to the socioeconomic research component of Integrated Watershed Development Project in Mihassa.