Rangelands –sound management strategies for a vulnerable resource
Rangelands cover 30 per cent of the global land surface. They support a considerable share of the global ruminant value chains, are habitat for a high plant and animal diversity and have various ecological, economic and social functions. But rangelands are currently under pressure from global change processes.
Addressing water, food and poverty problems together--Methods, tools and lessons
This sourcebook entitled “Addressing water,food and poverty problems together: Methods,tools and lessons” is part of a wider process to capitalize on results from the Phase 1 of CPWF (2004-2008).
Large-scale implementation of adaptation and mitigation actions in agriculture
This paper identifies sixteen cases of large-scale actions in the agriculture and forestry sectors that have adaptation and/or mitigation outcomes, and distils lessons from the cases.
Creating Policy Space for Pastoralism in Kenya
Paper reflects on the work of the Ministry of State for Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid Lands between its formation in April 2008 and the elections of March 2013. Begins by summarising the historical, political and institutional contexts within which the Ministry was created, as well as the multiple narratives that have driven policy in Kenya’s drylands over time.
Efecto de la exclusión del pastoreo en la composición florística, producción de pastos y parámetros edáficos, en minas de carbón restauradas en el norte de España
Aunque el efecto del pastoreo en los ecosistemas ha sido ampliamente estudiado, muchos de los resultados a menudo resultan contradictorios. Esta ambigüedad es debida en parte a la capacidad de los herbívoros para dar forma a los sistemas naturales, favoreciendo a especies particulares de plantas o ejerciendo un efecto negativo o indiferente sobre otras.
The challenge of climate-related infectious livestock diseases in undermining social entrepreneurship development for rural communities
Livestock research for food security and poverty reduction: Opportunities and challenges for Ethiopia - Report on a stakeholder consultation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 25 June 2013
Report of the eleventh meeting of the imGoats Jhadol-Kanthariya innovation platform, 11 July 2013
Operationalizing inclusive innovation: Lessons from innovation platforms in livestock value chains in India and Mozambique
Various authors have identified the potential relevance of innovation system approaches for inclusive innovation, i.e. the means by which new goods and services are developed for and by the poor. However, it is still a question how best to operationalize this.
Tanzania Wildlife Management Areas Evaluation
The increasing importance of the Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) in Tanzania, where 17 WMAs are now functioning and 22 others are in various stages of development, begs the question of what successes have been achieved and what challenges remain to be addressed if this Community-Based Conservation model is to be sustained and even scaled up.
Multifunctional Rangeland in Southern Africa: Managing for Production, Conservation, and Resilience with Fire and Grazing
Residents of Southern Africa depend on rangeland for food, livelihoods, and ecosystem services. Sustainable management of rangeland ecosystems requires attention to interactive effects of fire and grazing in a changing climate.