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District Multi-stakeholder Forums: An Unexhausted Opportunity for Securing Land Rights; the Tanzanian Experience

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
Février, 2017

Administration of land in Tanzania is more decentralized from the president to the village level. The law gives power to village councils and village assemblies to administer village land. The District authorities are given advisory and supervisory mandates over villages and represent the commissioner who takes overall administrative powers.

Non-State Actors Communiqué on Livestock Sector Development in Tanzania

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Février, 2017

In this communiqué, the undersigned Non-State Actors (civil society,pastoralist, research, private, farmers’ unions and other stakeholders) champion a call to action and outline recommendations on livestock policy advocacy strategies that take into consideration the unique conditions and opportunities of the livestock sector development in Tanzania.

Land for infrastructure development: compulsory acquisition and compensation of unregistered/undocumented land in Kenya

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2017

Kenya’s Vision 2030 aims at transforming the country into a newly industrialized middle income country

and infrastructural development is high on the agenda to achieve this. Competing land uses and existing

interests in land make the use of eminent domain by government in acquiring land inevitable. However

Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
Février, 2017
Afrique orientale
Afrique australe

In pastoral societies women face many challenges. Some describe these as a ‘double burden’ – that is, as pastoralists and as women. However, pastoral women may obtain a significant degree of protection from customary law even if customary institutions are male-dominated.

Law No. 47-VI “On pastoralism”.

LandLibrary Resource
Février, 2017

This Law regulates social relations related to rational management of pastures and is aimed at improvement the state and infrastructure thereof with a view of prevention of degradation of pastures. Pastures shall be classified as arid pastures, rotation (high-productive) pastures and seasonal pastures destined for seasonal grazing and transhumance.