Assessing "participation" in forest management: workable methods and unworkable assumptions
This paper reports the results of a pre-test in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, of four methods designed to assess the level and nature of participation by local people in forest management quickly and easily.
Assessing people's perceptions of forests in Danau Sentarum Wildlife reserve
Previous research identified three important issues of relevance to forest people's roles in sustain- able forest management which we address here: the presence of a Conservation ethics, a feeling of closeness to the forest, and a significant forest-culture link.
Biological challenges for certification of tropical timber
Bugis settlers in East Kalimantan’s Kutai National Park: their past and present and some possibilities for their future
What policies should be adopted regarding enclave populations in national parks and other protected areas and how should the policies be implemented? These questions are important for protected areas throughout the world. Andrew P.
Current issues in non-timber forest products research. Proceedings of the workshop research on NTFP. Hot Spring, Zimbabwe, 28 August - 2 September 1995
This book contains a number of commissioned background papers presented at the workshop on ‘Research on Non-timber Forest Products’ (Hot Springs, Zimbabwe, 28 August - 2 September 1995).
Degradación de tierras en regiones húmedas
Estimating sustainable timber production from tropical forests
Natural forests in the humid tropics differ from temperate and plantation forests in several ways: there may be many tree species; many of these may occur infrequently; there may be a large range of tree sizes and shapes present; tree ages may be unknown and indeterminate; and despite the luxuriant appearance some rainforests, growth rates may be relatively low.
FAO model code of forest harvesting practice
Forest codes of practice: contributing to environmentally sound forest operations
Forest operations for sustainable forestry in the tropics: proceedings of a symposium organised by IUFRO Subject group S3.05-00, Forest operations in the tropics at the XX IUFRO World Congress, 6 - 12 August 1995, Tampere, Finland.
Forest harvesting and transportation operations are essential components of sustainable forestry. Recognition of these important factors was consistent with the theme of the XX IUFRO World Congress, "Caring for the Forest: Research in a Changing World". The Congress was held in Tampere, Finland, in August 1995.