South Asia Forest Tenure Assessment
An increasing body of evidence shows that forest governance and tenure reforms are central to mitigating a number of problems related to forests, and seriously affect forest-dependent people.
An increasing body of evidence shows that forest governance and tenure reforms are central to mitigating a number of problems related to forests, and seriously affect forest-dependent people.
El tejido económico y la sociedad de la Amazonía brasileña sufrieron grandes cambios desde la década de los años sesenta. El impacto importante de ese proceso sobre el medio ambiente obliga a hacer una revisión del sentido común en el que se basó la elaboración de los planes de desarrollo en el pasado.
This research focuses the climate change concerns for livestock feeding management in Bangladesh as it causes strange behavior and variation of cattle diets and feed shortages in the last two decades. It is obvious from the recent literature that Bangladesh is one of the most climate change vulnerable country of the world to climate change.
The importance of forests in climate change, biodiversity and desertification/land degradation
La información obtenida a partir de los anillos de crecimiento fue utilizada para proveer los ritmos de crecimiento diamétrico de siete especies forestales de la provincia biogeográfica del Cerrado Boliviano. En este análisis dendrocronológico se emplearon 10 a 50 árboles por especies.
A fines del anterior siglo los impactos ambientales negativos de las actividades humanas sobre los bosques amazo?nicos se han vuelto un tema primordial en las agendas poli?ticas mundiales. La investigacio?n cienti?fica ha permitido desarrollar una variedad de alternativas para reducir los impactos por deforestacio?n y la degradacio?n de los bosques.
This profitability assessment is an early effort to generate baseline information for the Agroforestry and Forestry in Sulawesi: Linking Knowledge with Action project the ‘AgFor project’ , for implementation in two provinces, South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi. The study collected information on existing farming systems and estimated profitability for each land use.
Programmes to reduce emissions from deforestation and ecosystem degradation, including REDD+ and Payment for Environmental Services (PES), could represent an opportunity to strengthen processes of conservation, sustainable usage and poverty reduction in the Mesoamerican region, particularly in indigenous territories and communities.
This paper examines the paradoxes of land governance in Brazil by putting them in their historical context, highlighting in particular the continuing subordination of peasant farmers’ interests to those of large landholders. It traces the development of the country’s regional divisions and systems of land-holding back to colonial times, when Portuguese settlers began carving up the territory.
This literature review assesses current and potential future changes occurring within the forestry sector. It identifies challenges posed to forests and analyses the relationship between forests and climate change.
This paper assesses the prospects of mitigating climate change through emission reductions from forestry and agriculture in the Brazilian Amazon.
These Regulations make provision for the declaration, administration and management of wildlife management areas and the establishment of Community Based Organizations for such administration and management.