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Décret exécutif n° 14-70 du 10 Rabie Ethani 1435 correspondant au 10 février 2014 fixant les conditions et modalités de location des terres wakfs destinées à l’agriculture.

Afrique septentrionale

Le présent décret a pour objet de fixer les conditions et modalités de location des terres wakfs destinées à l’agriculture.Les terres wakfs destinées à l’agriculture louées (terres wakfs agricoles) sont octroyées en jouissance en vue de les fructifier, de les exploiter de façon optimale et de les rendre productives.La location des terres wakfs agricoles donne lieu au versement d'une valeur locative à la caisse centrale des wakfs Les différentes transactions des terres concernent notamment location de gré à gré; location par enchères publiques; régime locatif spécifique aux biens wakfs agric

Regional Law No. 331-OZ amending Regional Law No. 278-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 4 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Lease contract for lease of agricultural land plots pertaining to public or municipal property shall be concluded for the period from three to 49 years except for cases envisaged by the Federal Law “On turnover of agricultural land” “.

Amends: Regional Law No. 278-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2009-06-04)

Placer Mining Land Use Regulation (Y.O.I.C. 2003/59).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Regulation is made under the Placer Mining Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to the efficient and correct enforcement of the afore-mentioned Act. Section 2 establishes that this Regulation and Part 2 of the Act apply to claims or land on which a lease has been granted. The text consists of 2 sections and 1 Table listing “operation class criteria”.

Implements: Placer Mining Act (S.Y. 2003, c. 13). (2016)

Dredging Regulation (Y.O.I.C. 2003/55).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Regulation is made under the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to mining dredges to extract gold from river beds. Section 2 establishes that the Minister may issue leases to any person applying for them granting the exclusive right to dredge for minerals in the submerged bed of any river. The text consists of 17 sections and 1 Schedule.

Implements: Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act (S.Y. 2003, c. 17). (2014)

Crown Mineral Royalty Regulations (R.R.S. c. C-50.2 Reg. 29).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Regulations are made under the Crown Minerals Act. For the purpose of the present Regulations a “mineral royalty” is a payment to the owner of mineral rights for the privilege of extracting the mineral from the ground based on a lease agreement. The royalty payment is based on a portion of earnings from production and varies depending on the type of mineral and the market conditions.

Helium and Associated Gases Regulations (Sask. Reg. 559/64).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Regulations are made under Mineral Resources Act, 1985 which was repealed by the Crown Minerals Act (C-50.2), but these Regulations continue in force under the Crown Minerals Act. Section 5 establishes that an application for a permit to explore for helium and associated gases may be submitted to the department, and the Minister may issue such permits in accordance with the present Regulations.

Long Leases (Appeal Period) (Scotland) Order 2014 (S.S.I. No. 8 of 2014).

Europe septentrionale

This Order provides with respect to an application for a determination regarding the registration notices and agreements in the Land Register of Scotland. Notices and agreements rejected by the Keeper of the Registers of Scotland can be registered following a determination by the Court of Session, the sheriff court or the Lands Tribunal for Scotland that they are registrable. A determination may be sought in respect of notices and agreements specified by this Order.

Implements: Long Leases (Scotland) Act 2012 (2012 asp 9). (2012-08-07)

Long Leases (Prescribed Form of Notices etc.) (Scotland) Regulations 2014 (S.S.I. No. 9 of 2014).

Europe septentrionale

This Order prescribes forms for notices required to implement the conversion of ultra-long leases to ownership under the Long Leases (Scotland) Act 2012. They concern, among other things: conversion of reserved sporting rights and conversion of qualifying condition into a climate change burden or a conservation burden.

Implements: Long Leases (Scotland) Act 2012 (2012 asp 9). (2012-08-07)

Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 2003 Remedial Order 2014 (S.S.I. No. 98 of 2014).

Europe septentrionale

This Order makes amendments to the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 2003 so as to make it compatible with a specified human right. It inserts a new section (section 72A) into the 2003 Act. That section provides that section 73 applies to a tenancy continuing to have effect by virtue of section 72(6) unless the tenancy is a relevant tenancy

Amends: Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 2003 (2003 asp 11). (2003-04-22)

Regional Law No. 886 VH-I “On land”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law regulates ownership on land plots, land tenure and lease, and also turnover of land plots and land shares in common land property related to agricultural land. Land tenure shall be performed in accordance with purposeful use of land, legal regime and authorized land uses in accordance with zoning of the territory. Land tenure must ensure conservation of ecosystems.