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Displaying 493 - 504 of 1420

Law No. 128-Z amending Law on payments for land.

Europe orientale

Article 16 shall acquire a new wording: “Article 16. Amount of rent. Payment for land allotted on lease shall be collected in accordance with lease contract. Basic annual rates of public land shall be set by local self-government with the consideration of cadastre valuation of the plots of land and with the application of factors established by the President of Belarus subject to the purposeful use of land.

Ministerial Decree No. 176 validating the Regulation on transfer of the plots of land of defence and security on lease or free-of-charge tenancy for a fixed period for agriculture, forest management and other purposeful use.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Ministerial Decree establishes that plots of land previously used for defence and security purposes and temporarily not used for the aforesaid purposes can be allotted to legal persons and citizens on lease or free-of-charge tenancy for a fixed period for agriculture, forest management and other purposeful use. It establishes also terms and conditions of transfer of the aforesaid land and specifies that the purposeful use of the aforesaid land shall not be changed.

Control of Rent and Tenancy Agreements Act.

Afrique orientale

This Act makes provision for the control of the relationship between landlord and tenant in respect of dwellings and specified land including agricultural land. The Act also grants power to the Minister to appoint a Rent Board and provides for functions and powers of the Board.The Act allows an interested party to apply to the Rent Board for rent control measures. An Order of the Board fixing the rent shall be binding upon the parties to a tenancy agreement. The Act places restrictions on the power of a lessor to eject a lessee.

Curatelle Act.

Afrique orientale

This Act defines powers and duties of Curator of Vacant Estates in respect of vacant estates and provides for the administration of such estates by the Curator.The Officer of the Curator of Vacant Estates is created under this Act and the Curator shall be appointed by the President. “Vacant Estates” shall comprise vacant successions and unclaimed property. The Curator shall act on the authority of a Vesting Order to be issued by a judge after procedures as prescribed by this Act have been completed.

Ordinance on the conversion of lease into property within agricultural enterprises.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the conversion of lease into property in agricultural enterprises. Article 1 establishes the necessary conditions for such a conversion and in particular that the lease will have lasted for not less than six years. The text consists of 4 articles.

Law No. 198-XV on lease in agriculture.

Europe orientale

This Law shall have as its purpose to set legal grounds for lease in agriculture, and to establish rights and duties of lessors and lessees. The Act consists of nine Sections divided into 29 articles: (1) general provisions; (2) right of lease; (3) rights and duties of the contracting parties; (4) lease fee and sublease of agricultural land; (5) use of rented agricultural property; (6) lease of public agricultural land; (7) lease of agricultural assets; (8) liability; and (9) conclusive and transitional provisions.

Arrêté n° 1176/98 du 18 février 1998 portant création d’un guichet unique pour l’instruction des demandes de bail emphytéotique sur les terrains domaniaux.

Afrique orientale

Il est créé dans chaque bureau de circonscription domaniale et foncière un guichet unique chargé de diligenter l’instruction des demandes de bail emphytéotique sur les terrains domaniaux.

Met en oeuvre: Arrêté n°3976/92 du 9 juillet 1992 portant approbation du contrat-type de bail emphytéotique pour les terrains domaniaux ou immatriculés au nom de l’Etat Malagasy. (1992-07-09)

Arrêté n°3976/92 du 9 juillet 1992 portant approbation du contrat-type de bail emphytéotique pour les terrains domaniaux ou immatriculés au nom de l’Etat Malagasy.

Afrique orientale

Est approuvé le contrat- type de bail emphytéotique pour les terrains domaniaux ou immatriculés au nom de l’Etat Malagasy et dont le texte est joint au présent arrêté.

Mis en oeuvre par: Arrêté n° 1176/98 du 18 février 1998 portant création d’un guichet unique pour l’instruction des demandes de bail emphytéotique sur les terrains domaniaux. (1998-02-18)
Met en oeuvre: Décret n° 92-809 portant application de la loi modifiée n° 89-027 du 29 décembre 1989. (1992-09-09)

Loi n° 89-027 relative au régime de Zone Franche Industrielle à Madagascar modifiée par la loi n° 91- 020 du 12 août 1991. (Extrait).

Afrique orientale

Les articles 46 et 47 de la présente loi fixent les conditions du bail des terrains destinés à l’aménagement des ZFI ou à l’installation d’entreprise franche pour les promoteurs étrangers.

Mis en oeuvre par: Décret n° 92-809 portant application de la loi modifiée n° 89-027 du 29 décembre 1989. (1992-09-09)