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Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment and Support Schemes (Cross-compliance) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 80 of 2008).

Europe septentrionale

These Regulations amend the Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment and Support Schemes (Cross-compliance) (England) Regulations 2005 in paragraph 7 of the Schedule which sets out farmers’ obligations relating to the management of land not in agricultural production.

Regional Law No. 9-OZ amending Regional Law No. 31-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Minimum size of the consolidated land plot shall not be less than minimum size of land plots pertaining to public or municipal ownership and allotted for farming”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 31-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2014-04-01)

Act No. CXVI of 2001 on the National Land Fund.

Europe orientale

This Act establishes the National Land Fund with the purpose of: a reasonable management of state-owned arable lands, promoting ecological agricultural production and economic efficiency, and creating a modern landed property structure based on family farms. Property rights in regard of the Fund are exercised by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. He has to report annually to the Parliament on the situation of the Fund and of the managing organization.

Regulations on allocation of land to households and individuals for stable and long term use for the purpose of agricultural production (issued with Decree no. 64-cp).

Viet Nam
Asia du sud-est

The Decree provides the regulation for redistribution of abandoned, denuded, mountainous lands or uncultivated lands to households and families in order to increase their agricultural productions. Households and families shall be assigned with those lands the right to use them and cultivate them.

Repealed by: Decree No. 181/2004/ND-CP on the implementation of the Land Law. (2004-10-29)

Grassland Regulations of Gansu province.

Asie orientale

The Purpose of these Regulations is to protect, construct and utilize grasslands rationally and promote the sustainable development of grassland ecosystem. The Regulations are divided into 6 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Planning and Construction (II); Contractual Management (III); Protection and Utilization (IV); Legal Liabilities (V); Supplementary Provisions (VI).

Regional Law No. 7-2542 on regulation of land relations.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law regulates relations on land tenure and protection of land. Regional Legislative assembly shall have the following competence in the sphere of land protection: (a) reserve land, also through buyout of land plots, for public and municipal needs; (b) proclamation of protected areas; (c) establishment of minimum and maximum dimensions of land plots of public land allotted for agricultural purposes, farming, horticulture and stockbreeding; (d) establishment of cases of gratuitous allotment of public and municipal land to natural and legal persons (art. 2).

Measures of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region for implementing the Grassland Law of People's Republic of China.

Asie orientale

These Measures aim to protect, construct and utilize rationally grasslands, improve the ecological environment, maintain the biodiversity, develop modern animal husbandry, and promote the sustainable development of economy and society.

Order No. 1338 on regulations of the Farms Act.

Europe septentrionale

This Order establishes additional provisions related to the Farms Act. A farm/land property can be registered as such and notification thereof shall be submitted to the Survey and Cadastre Authorities to ensure proper residency status. When establishing a new farm, or purchasing additional land, a 10-year residence proof is required by the purchaser within 6 months from the date the Survey and Cadastre Authorities have registered the cadastral changes. Provisions also include companies in other EU countries or countries that have signed the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA).

Decreto Nº 2.368 - Crea el Consejo Superior de la Administración para la Restitución de Tierras.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto crea el Consejo Superior de la Administración para la Restitución de Tierras, como un organismo del Gobierno nacional encargado de formular lineamientos generales, coordinar y articular la implementación de políticas públicas en materia de restitución de tierras de los despojados en los términos establecidos en la Ley Nº 1.448 de 2011.Son funciones del Consejo Superior de Restitución de Tierras: 1) actuar como instancia máxima en asesoría y coordinación en materias relacionadas con la restitución de tierras de los despojados; 2) servir de organismo coordinador de las acc

Décret n° 2010-2974 du 15 novembre 2010, portant création du pôle technologique pour la valorisation des richesses sahariennes et pour le perfectionnement de l'exploitation des capacités qui s’y trouvent fixant son organisation administrative et financ...

Afrique septentrionale

Est créée l'entreprise du pôle technologique pour la valorisation des richesses sahariennes et pour le perfectionnement de l'exploitation des capacités qui s'y trouvent. Le pôle technologique est placé sous la tutelle du ministre de l'agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques et de la pêche, son siège est fixé à Médenine.

Plan Estratégico Institucional 2014-2018, “Hacia el 2025”.

National Policies
Amérique du Sud

El presente documento contiene el Plan Estratégico Institucional, un instrumento multisectorial de planificación adoptado por el Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural de Tierras, de alcance nacional y relativo al período 2014-2018. El Plan contiene una visión de horizonte al 2025 y establece 10 políticas con sus correspondientes objetivos estratégicos.