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Política de Prevenção e Mediação de Conflitos, Pernambuco, Brasil

Manuals & Guidelines
Août, 2015

BOLETIM INTERNO Nº 001/15 - Conselho Estadual das Cidades ConCidades/PE, PROPOSIÇÃO Nº 01, DE 06 AGOSTO DE 2015: Propõe   Defensoria Pública do Estado de Pernambuco e ao Governo do Estado de Pernambuco a criação de Núcleos Especializados para Defesa em casos de Conflitos Fundiários e para proposição de ações de Regularização de Terras Urbanas e Ouvidorias Externas. PROPOSIÇÃO Nº 02, DE 06 DE AGOSTO DE 2015: Propõe ao Governo do Estado de Pernambuco através da Secretaria das Cidades instituir a Política Estadual de Prevenção e Mediação de Conflitos Fundiários Urbanos.

Soluciones Urbanas para Buenos Aires: Alquileres Justos

Reports & Research
Mars, 2017

El presente estudio describe los logros de Hábitat para la Humanidad Argentina, en la ejecución del proyecto Soluciones Urbanas para la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, cuyo objetivo ha sido que familias que vivían en conventillos, hoteles o inquilinatos accedan a "Alquileres Justos". El documento analiza las estrategias, metodologías, niveles de incidencia en política pública y evalúa la factibilidad de réplica de este tipo de iniciativas.

Os conflitos fundiários urbanos no Brasil: estratégias de luta contra os despejos e empoderamentos a partir da teoria crítica dos direitos humanos.

Manuals & Guidelines
Décembre, 2013

Os conflitos fundiários urbanos no Brasil: estratégias de luta contra os despejos e empoderamentos a partir da teoria crítica dos direitos humanos. Organizadores: Cristiano Muller, Karla Fabrícia Moroso Santos de Azevedo; ilustrações Dora Bragança Castagnino e Pedro Leite – Porto Alegre: CDES Direitos Humanos, 2014. 161 p. : il.

Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Février, 2014

The current solutions to delivering land administration services have very limited global outreach; 75 percent of the world's population do not have access to formal systems to register and safeguard their land rights. The majority of these are the poor and the most vulnerable in society and without any level of security of tenure they constantly live in threat of eviction.

Assessment Toolkit: Assessing gender-sensitive implementation and country-level monitoring of the Tenure Governance and Africa Land Policy Guidelines

Manuals & Guidelines
Octobre, 2017

This gender-sensitive toolkit enables civil society organisations, women and communities, as well as other actors to assess each country’s current legal framework and tenure governance arrangements in line with the provisions of the VGGTS and the AU F&G.

Threats to sustainable development posed by land and water grabbing

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2017

Since small-scale farmers manage most of the cultivated land worldwide, the ongoing shift in systems of production associated with large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) may dramatically reshape the world's agrarian landscape, significantly impacting rural populations and their livelihoods. The societal, hydrological and environmental implications resulting from the expansion of large-scale agricultural production, through LSLAs, make their ultimate sustainability questionable.

Land Rights Management Facility Fourth Quarter 2014 report: Department of Rural Development & Land Reform briefing, with input from Minister

Legislation & Policies
Mai, 2015
Afrique du Sud

The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) and the Minister briefed the Committee on the performance, outcomes and challenges of the Land Rights Management Facility, presenting the Fourth Quarter 2014 report, and also touching on the Extension of security of tenure (land) Amendment Bill. It was noted that the Land Rights Management Facility (LRMF) tried to facilitate provision of specialised legal and mediation services to indigent communities and individuals faced with violations of their rights pertaining to land and livelihood.