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Issues sécurité foncière related Blog post
There are 2, 213 content items of different types and languages related to sécurité foncière on the Land Portal.
Displaying 13 - 24 of 39

Récapitulation de l'événement : Libérer le potentiel des Directives volontaires sur les régimes fonciers dans la transformation du système alimentaire

31 Octobre 2022

Co-organisé par la FAO, l'UNCCD, le TMG et le Land Portal, cet événement parallèle visait spécifiquement à discuter de la manière dont l'intégration de la VGGT dans les initiatives de neutralité de la dégradation des terres (LDN) peut relancer la dynamique pour améliorer la sécurité d'occupation et débloquer de multiples avantages sociaux, économiques et environnementaux. 

10ème anniversaire de la VGGT du CSA

12 Octobre 2022
Paolo Groppo

Une fois de plus, les organisations internationales de développement (Banque mondiale, FIDA, FAO, USAID, GIZ et autres) se sont réunies pour discuter des Directives volontaires, qui ont été approuvées en mai2012. Un succès incontestable est d'avoir également associé le plus grand mouvement paysan, La Via Campesina, qui dès le jour de l'approbation a applaudi avec enthousiasme ce processus.

Les directives volontaires : Un déficit de données ?

04 Octobre 2022
Daniel Hayward

Cette histoire de données examine certains des impacts des VGGT. Elle met en lumière les données disponibles sur la manière dont les VGGT ont été utilisés, sur la manière dont les travaux de projets associés intègrent les directives, et sur la question de savoir si la mise en œuvre a entraîné un changement tangible dans la sécurité du régime foncier pour les communautés du monde entier. 

Looking back at the LAND-at-scale Exchange 2022: The importance of collective learning and reflections for land governance support programs

15 Juillet 2022

On 27-28 June 2022, RVO organized the first annual LAND-at-scale exchange, bringing together over fifty LAND-at-scale project partners, knowledge management partners, Committee members as well as representatives from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for an in-depth introduction of all LAND-at-scale stakeholders and facilitate a learning exchange.

Challenges to sustain tenure in Colombia: harmonizing indigenous traditions with ‘modernistic’ principles of economic growth

15 Juillet 2022

The LAND-at-sale project in Colombia was the first LAND-at-scale project to kick off. With its mid-term review just concluded, the project provides interesting insights into the challenges of not only achieving tenure security but sustaining it over time within a complex context. LAND-at-scale interviewed Piet Spijkers at Kadaster International, to learn more about their approach to achieve and sustain tenure security in Colombia through the LAND-at-scale project.

Learning from and scaling up tenure security approaches in Burkina Faso

15 Juillet 2022

Burkina Faso has a long history of land interventions aiming to achieve tenure security at the local level. The “Observatoire National du Foncier au Burkina-Faso” (ONF-BF) is one of the key players in the country working on mapping land rights within communities at commune-level. How does ONF-BF address the challenge of not only attaining tenure security through mapping, but ensuring these tenure rights last over time?

No Climate Transition Without Securing Land Rights

02 Juin 2022
Alexander Müller
Jes Weigelt

The 15th session of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), is taking place in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire, from 9 to 20 May 2022. The theme: “Land, Life. Legacy: From scarcity to prosperity.” “We are faced with a crucial choice,” Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed told participants: “We can either reap the benefits of land restoration now or continue on the disastrous path that has led us to the triple planetary crisis of climate, biodiversity and pollution”

Sharing land governance knowledge within the Dutch government through LAND-at-scale

06 Juillet 2021
Maaike van den Berg

The main objective of the LAND-at-scale program is to directly strengthen essential land governance components for men, women and youth that have the potential to contribute to structural, just, sustainable and inclusive change at scale. An ambitious objective, that cannot be achieved in isolation. Alignment is, therefore, a key factor in all LAND-at-scale activities - be it at project level for our country interventions or through our collaborative approach to knowledge management.

Knowledge Management for Equitable and Sustainable Land Governance: launching the LAND-at-scale knowledge management strategy

05 Juillet 2021

Knowledge management and learning are at the heart of the LAND-at-scale program. On June 29th at a pre-event of the LANDac conference, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), LANDac and the International Land Coalition (ILC) officially announced their collaboration to implement the knowledge management (KM) component of the program.