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Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Domestic Microgeneration) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2010 (S.S.I. 27 of 2010).

Europe septentrionale

This Order amends the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 with respect of classes of development to which permitted development rights apply. It provides permitted development rights for the installation of free standing wind turbines and air source heat pumps on or within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse and building containing flats, subject to certain limitations and conditions. Development is not permitted by this class in the case of land within a conservation area or a World Heritage Site.

Guam Territorial Seashore Protection Act of 1974 - Chapter 63 of 21 GCA “Real Property”.


Section 2 of this Chapter sets out findings and defines policy goals regarding the protection of the Seashore Reserve (defined in section 3). One of the particular goals is to protect wildlife, marine life, and other ocean resources, and the natural environment, to preserve the ecological balance of the seashore reserve and prevent its deterioration and destruction. The Guam Territorial Seashore Protection Commission is created under section 4.

Land Act (No. 16 of 1998).

Afrique orientale

The Act consists of 99 sections which are divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary (I); Land Holding (II); Control of Land Use (III); Land Management (IV); Land Tribunals (V); Miscellaneous (VI).Sections 3 declares all land in Uganda to be vested in its citizens and divides land tenure systems into 4 categories: customary; freehold; mailo; and leasehold. Section 4 defines these titles in detail. Mailo tenure is a form of tenure that permits the separation of ownership of land from the ownership of developments of the land made by a lawful or bona fide occupant.

Act on protection of external area in Tøndermarsken (No. 928 of 2009).

Europe septentrionale

The Act applies to Tøndermarsken area and aims to protect the outer borders and the lower part of watercourse Vidå and establish it as a conservation area of national and international interest. Construction, fishing, hunting and planting of trees and plants are not permitted. Dyke systems are applied to watercourses for water supply.

Declaration No. 30-A/2010 rectifying the Regional Land Use Planning of Alentejo.

Europe méridionale

This Declaration rectifies the Resolution of the Council of Ministers approving the Regional Land Use Planning of Alentejo. The amended Chapters and Sections establish several and important amendments to the Regional Land Use Planning of Alentejo.

Amends: Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 53/2010 approving the Regional Land Use Planning of Alentejo. (2010-07-16)

Ley Nº 913 - Modifica la Ley Nº 690, Ley para el desarrollo de las zonas costeras.

Amérique centrale

La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto regular el uso y aprovechamiento sostenible y garantizar el acceso de la población a las zonas costeras marinas y lacustres, así como de las islas que tengan población permanente, en aspectos relacionados con el funcionamiento de la Comisión Nacional de Desarrollo de las Zonas Costeras (CDZC), que estará coordinada por el Instituto Nicaragüense de Fomento Municipal (INIFOM).

Decree No. 1-CP promulgating the regulation on the allottment of land by State-owned businesses for agricultural production, forestry and aquaculture.

Viet Nam
Asia du sud-est

The Decree provides the allotment of state-owned land destined to planting of perennial trees, seasonal crops and forestation, plus the water surface required for aquaculture farming to individuals, households and organizations which shall invest in the resulting production. Planning and financial evaluation of production costs shall be prepared and funds destined to support all agricultural, forestry and aquaculture activities and operations.

Decision No. 210/2001 pertaining to the Executive By-Law of the Law of Environment Public Authority.

Asie occidentale

This Resolution consisting of 89 articles divided in X Chapters aims at defining the obligations and requirements to be followed to maintain the internal and external environment free from pollution. Chapter I deals with the studies of environmental impact aiming at confining the negative impacts during the various stages of the project.

Zuni River Watershed Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-338).

États-Unis d'Amérique
Amérique septentrionale

In the framework of corrective measures required to prevent continued degradation of natural and cultural resources throughout the Zuni Watershed in accordance with the Zuni Land Conservation Act of 1990, a study shall be conducted and a plan prepared by the Soil Conservation Service and Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs.

Regional Law No. 3126-KZ “On municipal land control by local government”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes the following tasks and objectives of the municipal land control: (a) enforcement of land legislation ensuring observance of legislative provisions that envisage administrative and other liability; (b) prevention on unauthorized land possession; (c) control over land tenure with a view of conservation of precious land, agricultural land and protected areas; and (d) ensuring efficient land tenure.

Amended by: Regional Law No. 3205-KZ amending Regional Law No. 3126-KZ “On municipal land control by local government”. (2015-06-25)