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Visión general de los problemas del Gran Santiago. / An Overview of the problems in Greater Santiago de Chile

Peer-reviewed publication
Janvier, 2003

Conferencia de J. Honold Dunner, en el Seminario del Gran Santiago realizado en 1957, donde se analizó las relaciones e interdependencias del Gran Santiago con los fenómenos territoriales y regionales. (Publicada en 1958)./This is the lecture given by J. Honold D. in the Seminario del Gran Santiago 1957 (Seminar on the Greater Santiago). On this Seminar the relation and interdependency of the Greater Santiago and the regional and land phenomena were analyzed.

Climas urbanos y contaminación atmosférica en Santiago de Chile

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2010

Se analizan las relaciones existentes entre temperaturas urbanas y concentraciones de material particulado a una escala que representa la totalidad de la ciudad, destacando su división en dos zonas bien delimitadas, que ubicadas al oriente y poniente de la misma, durante los días de ocurrencia de las peores condiciones de contaminación atmosférica.

Haliç, the urban sea Landscape and transformation of the central areas of Istanbul

Peer-reviewed publication
Janvier, 2014

Haliç (The Golden Horn) is a mythical place that belongs not only to the history of Istanbul but to the whole of Europe. At Haliç land and sea merge: the natural harbour of ancient Constantinople, home to the naval arsenal and place of delights, it saw its natural and urban state change completely in the final phases of the Ottoman Empire. Its recent history has been marked by a process of intense industrialization, developing uncontrollably on its banks between the 19th and 20th centuries.

The city and the road: the urban transformation in the region of Cotia throughout the Raposo Tavares highway

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2007

The study of the urban transformation of Cotia, located in the periphery of the metropolis, aims the documentation of the region urban development, starting on the 18 century, and its analysis, taking São Paulo city as reference. This analysis was elaborated from the social-economics and spatial relations of the urban development, from the city adequation to the metropolitan area planning, from the linearity that the Raposo Tavares highway imposes to the urban composition and the characteristics of the middle-class residence condominiums determined to the territory.

Real estate market and urban transformations: spatio-temporal analysis of house price increase in the centre of Marseille (1996-2010)

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembre, 2012

Over more than ten years, France has experienced a twofold increase of residential housing prices. This was largely fuelled by the credit conditions and a general fear of the future. A strong negative correlation between initial price level and its increase leads to a massive trend of spatial homogenization of the prices. Such a tendency is fairly vigorous in the metropolitan area of Marseille, and particularly in its extremely poor and long devaluated centre, where prices have risen by over 200% since the mid-1990s.

Titulación de la propiedad y mercado de tierras

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2011

Este estudio analiza la relación entre la tenencia de títulos de propiedad (registrados) y los mercados inmobiliarios en zonas de la ciudad que tuvieron un origen informal y/o ilegal. Al hacerlo plantea cuestionamientos a los presupuestos internacionales y encuentra paradojas en el funcionamiento del mercado de suelo popular. La metodología es cuantitativa y cualitativa. Las conclusiones muestran que en asentamientos no consolidados la tenencia de un título de propiedad contribuye a un mayor valor de los predios con relación a aquellos no titulados.

Infrastructure projects and changes in the urban environment: On the advance of the legal city over informal settlements

Peer-reviewed publication
Janvier, 2016

This article discusses the effects of coastal development projects carried out along the banks of the Paraná River in the city of Posadas, Argentina, which include the eradication of the illegal city situated in this large area in order to build the legal city that is open to the river.

Access to serviced land for the urban poor: the regularization paradox in Mexico

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2000
Amérique centrale
Amérique du Sud

The insufficient supply of serviced land at affordable prices for
the urban poor and the need for regularization of the consequent
illegal occupations in urban areas are two of the most
important issues on the Latin American land policy agenda.
Taking a structural/integrated view on the functioning
of the urban land market in Latin America, this paper discusses
the nexus between the formal and the informal land markets. It
thus exposes the perverse feedback effects that curative regularization

Replacement of the urban structure. Project of Viserba’s waterfront

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2014

Nowadays many seaside towns, economically based on marine tourism, need operations to reinvent and recovery their own image and to define a new strategy of urban development. The presence of the sea is of primary importance and it should be considered not only as an economic resource, but mainly as a strong element of identity that must interact with the urban landscape.