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Decreto Nº 2.666 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relacionado con el procedimiento para la adquisición de tierras y mejoras rurales por el Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA).

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto faculta al Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA) para adquirir por negociación directa, o por expropiación, las tierras o mejoras de propiedad de los particulares, o las patrimoniales de las entidades de derecho público que requiera, para dar cumplimiento a los objetivos señalados en la Ley Nº 160 de 1994 y a los fines de utilidad pública e interés social contemplados por esa misma Ley.

Regional Law No. 26-OZn “On lease of public land”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that determination of lease payments, terms and conditions of payment for lease of public land shall be set forth by the Regional Government.

Repealed by: Regional Law No. 10-OZ “On lease payments for public plots of land and plots of land with undelimited ownership allotted on lease without tenders. (2015-03-02)

Decreto Supremo Nº 014/15/MINAGRI - Precisa disposiciones que regulan otorgamiento de tierras eriazas para pequeña agricultura y establece disposiciones complementarias para reuso de aguas residuales tratadas en tierras eriazas.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto Supremo tiene por objeto precisar disposiciones que regulan otorgamiento de tierras eriazas de dominio del Estado con aptitud agropecuaria para el desarrollo de pequeña agricultura, a fin de asegurar su correcta aplicación; así como establecer disposiciones complementarias que permitan el reuso de aguas residuales tratadas en tierras eriazas, que se otorguen al amparo del Reglamento en materia del otorgamiento de tierras eriazas de la Ley N° 26505, de la inversión privada en el desarrollo de las actividades económicas en las tierras del territorio nacional y de las comun

Regional Law No. 1929-ZRK “On establishment of purchase price of plots of land within urban areas destined for agricultural production.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that the prices of plots of urban land destined for agricultural production in ownership by agricultural organizations or peasant farms allotted thereto on condition of permanent (open-ended) land tenure or as life-long hereditary possession shall be established with 15 percent reduction in relation to its cadastre value.

Regional Law No. 174-OZ “On expropriation of public or municipal land for public and municipal needs”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes cases of expropriation, including repayment, of public or municipal land for public and municipal needs. Expropriation shall be performed in the following cases: (a) for public construction in accordance with land-use planning projects; (b) for realization of regional and municipal programs; (c) for conservation of the objects of cultural heritage in public ownership; (d) institution of new or extension of already existing protected areas; and (e) construction and reconstruction of objects partially or completely financed out of regional or local budget.

Public Purpose Land Exchange Authorization Act of 1937 (P.L. 5-33).

Îles Mariannes du Nord

This Act authorizes the Marianas Public Land Corporation to enter into agreements by which the Government obtains freehold interest in private land in exchange for a freehold interest in private land to be assigned to a private landowner.Exchange of land shall be authorized for a public purpose as defined by this Act. The Act sets out the conditions at which an agreement may be made and defines some terms of the agreement. The Corporation may exchange land at its own initiative but “protected resources” and adjacent areas shall be excluded from public lands that may be exchanged.

Regional Law No. 4-RZ amending Regional Law No. 59-RZ “On regulation of some issues in the sphere of land relations”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 3 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Government shall be responsible for setting forth the modalities of calculation of lease for public land plots and plots of land with undelimited ownership destined for lease without tender”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 59-RZ “On regulation of some issues in the sphere of land relations”. (2012-09-26)

Arrêté interministériel n°2015-0205-MDEAFMATD-SG du 02 mars 2015 portant mesures de suspension des attributions de terrain du domaine immobilier de l’Etat et des collectivités territoriales.

Afrique occidentale

Le présent arrêté suspend sur toute l’étendue du territoire, les attributions et autorisations d’occupation des terrains du domaine public et privé immobilier de l’Etat et des Collectivités territoriales.La durée des mesures de suspensions est de six (06) mois renouvelables en fonction des nécessités.

Communal Land Reform Act, 2002 (Act No. 5 of 2002).

Afrique australe

This Act makes provision for the allocation of rights in land in the areas described in the First Schedule to this Act or in any area which is declared to be communal land under section 16(1)(a) of this Act ("communal land"). The Act consists of 47 sections divided into 5 Chapters.The Minister must establish Communal Land Boards to perform the functions conferred on a Board by this Act within the area for which each Board is established. Boards shall be established for a region, a part of a region or two or more regions.

Land Consolidation Act (Cap. 283).

Afrique orientale

This Act makes provision for various matters relating to the adjudication of title in land in areas of Trust land to which this Act applies in virtue of section 2 of this Act. The Minister may, at the request of a local authority, by Order, direct that this Act shall apply to such area of Trust land as is specified in the Order for purposes of the ascertainment of rights and interests in, and the consolidation of, and the registration of title to, any such area of Trust land (other than land to which the Land Adjudication Act applies).

Décret N° 2010-080 du 31 Mars 2010 abrogeant et remplaçant le décret n°2000/089 du 17 juillet 2000 portant application de l’ordonnance 83-127 du 05 Juin 1983 portant réorganisation foncière et domaniale.

Afrique occidentale

Le présent décret est composé de 143 articles regroupés en dix (10) chapitres) notamment, les dispositions générales (Chapitre I), les organes de gestion domaniale en zone rurale (Chapitre II), les espaces vitaux et réserves foncières (Chapitre III), l’individualisation des droits fonciers collectifs (Chapitre IV), les concessions domaniales rurales (Chapitre V), La gestion des conflits domaniaux (Chapitre), (Chapitre), la constatation des droits sur la terre et régularisation foncière (Chapitre VII), les concessions urbaines (Chapitre VIII), les dispositions transitoires (Chapitre IX), les