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Open Land Data and managing open data repositories workshop

31 Mai 2018
Leriba Hotel
South Africa

Over a billion people worldwide, predominately smallholder farmers, lack secure land rights, which are crucial for obtaining loans and providing the long-term visibility necessary for planning successful agricultural operations. Open data technologies enable mapping and access to information on land rights, which in turn can lead to more protection for community and smallholder farmers.

Land Portal Foundation
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation ACP-EU
Namibia University of Science and Technology

FIG Working Week 2019

22 Avril 2019 - 26 Avril 2019

FIG Working Week is an exciting week-long conference that brings the international community of surveying and spatial professionals together to discuss key challenges of our time within the surveying profession with fellow peers. With the theme

International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)

India's Land Information Ecosystem workshop

15 Mars 2019
CGO Complex
Pragati Vihar
New Delhi

Availability of accurate and up to date data and information on land rights, tenures and administration as well as on different land use, such as agriculture, forestry, mining, wildlife, water, housing and infrastructure, is critical to effective land governance and crucial for planning and managing the use of land and land-based resources.

Land Portal Foundation
DataMeet India

Proceedings from the LANDNET workshops since 2002

25 Février 2002 - 08 Novembre 2019

Since 2002, the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia has been organising annual workshops to discuss instruments like land consolidation, land banking and land market development. This has created a European wide network of professionals from different countries and different organisations under FAO guidance.

FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

LANDac Online Encounter 2020: Opening Session and Keynote Speeches

29 Juin 2020

LANDac – the Netherlands Academy on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development – brings together researchers, policy makers, development practitioners and business professionals in the field of land governance and development.

Utrecht University
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
African Studies Centre Leiden
Royal Tropical Institute
Land Portal Foundation
Oxfam Novib
Wageningen University & Research

LANDac Online Encounter 2020: The Nexus Between Urban Land Governance and Climate Adaptation and Parallel Sessions

02 Juillet 2020

Informal settlements in areas that are already disaster prone are an increasing problem. Climate adaptation is also often used as an excuse fo evictions to redevelop sites in a more climate-proof manner in what is often referred to as ‘climate gentrification.

Land Portal Foundation
Utrecht University
Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation

LANDac Online Encounter 2020: Closing panel & discussion

03 Juillet 2020

LANDac – the Netherlands Academy on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development – brings together researchers, policy makers, development practitioners and business professionals in the field of land governance and development.

Utrecht University
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
African Studies Centre Leiden
Royal Tropical Institute
Land Portal Foundation
Oxfam Novib
Wageningen University & Research
Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation

Taller: "Resistir y exigir la tierra, los territorios y la soberanía de los pueblos"

30 Juin 2020

Este taller, organizado por la Red de la Soberanía de los Pueblos, tiene por objeto compartir las experiencias de activistas de movimientos sociales y de la sociedad civil de diferentes regiones del mundo que luchan por defender sus derechos y la soberanía sobre sus territorios y sus vidas.

People’s Sovereignty Network